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Lobby Interactive Voice 5

Lobby Interactive Voice 5の音声

Displaying 1 - 92 of 92
  • Ichihime Declare Riichi as soon as possible. Fast attack for the win!
  • MikiNikaidou Riichi! Ippatsu! Haha~ just kidding~
  • KanaFujita Hey, if you want my signed photo, please wait for the next signing session!
  • ChioriMikami Do you think this tile is safe? What a simple-minded fool.
  • MaiAihara Oops... I just scored another Ippatsu on you...
  • Nadeshiko Those who don’t even know the rules well do not deserve to be my opponents. Even if they force themselves to play with me, I will destroy them.
  • YuiYagi Um, you are getting too close. This is weird, senpai, others may get us wrong...
  • RiuKujou Abs? How, can, I, have, that?
  • Xenia It’s quite interesting to attend exhibitions on cultural relics and artifacts. Looking at these relics, I feel as if I can reach out and touch the unknown past.
  • Kaavi It's really strange that I can't see through people's mahjong fortune, including my own. Why... speaking of mahjong fun... Maybe this is the ugly state of people struggling meaninglessly to avoid their absolute fates... Huh? Do you think that's a bad taste? Haha... a bad taste is still a funny taste, isn't it?
  • NatsukiShinomiya Do you like drinking? I'm quite good at making cocktails. I can make you one if you don't mind. Would you like something sweet, sour or bitter?
  • Wanjirou I never wanted to play mahjong with humans, but my brothers knew nothing other than playing fetch.
  • SoraIchinose I don't often go to school. While I am fine on my own, I still want to play with others...
  • HidekiAkechi Mahjong Soul Shrine is such a great place, just like my grandma's house. The comforting sceneries and interesting people make me feel very free and relaxed. If I had come to this place earlier, I might not have to... Hmm? Nothing, it's just that some old memories had come to me. Don't worry!
  • Keikumusume What food do I dislike? Nothing particular... I'm not very good at eating bitter stuff.
  • Sara Ah... I have been dancing the whole day, my feet are so sore. Dear guest, could you help me to relax a little? ...Just sit down and have a Mahjong game with me, hehe.
  • HanaNinomiya Hmm... As long as the girl has glasses, you don't care about anything else, do you? How filthy.
  • NanaShiraishi Hey junior, you know what? My younger brother said to me a few days ago that a girl as masculine as me would have no romance with guys. That's absolute nonsense, right? Right!
  • HinataTakanashi Do you want to see my works? Um... How, how about I show them to you when I can take better photos?
  • HarunaIgarashi Ouch! Oops, I got my clothes dirty again. My mom will be mad...
  • AnjuSuzumiya Did you just invite me to visit an art exhibition together? Question: I still have doubts about the motivation of your sudden invitation. However, in terms of normal human social activities, would it be better for me to accept it? ...KR-976 shall accept your invitation then. Are you still concerned about how you address me? If it's a private activity with just two of us involved, you have the permission to refer to KR-976 as Anju, but for this time only.
  • Joseph The TV channel gave me a lot of work recently. I think I'm on the edge. My friend, how about we find a day to skip the work and have a few Mahjong games?
  • OsamuSaitou Have you finished all your work today? It's okay to take a break sometimes, but you must not forget about your duties. Before you start playing Mahjong, better check your work progress.
  • SawakoKitami Aha! As a housewife of the new era, I don't spend all my time taking care of my husband and kid. I have my own hobbies too. For example, painting, playing piano, or making handmade toys for the kids in the neighborhood. My days are always very full!
  • Ein I shouldn't have come to the Mahjong club when I'm not in my best form. Not only I didn't capture any prey, I also lost my lunch money tomorrow. Bad luck...
  • MomoHina Hey, Mr. Rabbit, would you like to join Momo on an adventure to the Red Queen's Palace? Haruna said she would also bring her cats along! Together we are fearless!
  • ZanTsukimi No matter what fanciful words are used, blades are still weapons. One's "sword of protection" is still a "sword of murder" to his or her opponent. Instead of finding brilliant excuses to unsheathe a sword, it is more important to be prepared for the consequences...
  • KiraraFujimoto Ouch... My budget this month isn't looking good... Whatever! Worrying can't change anything. Let's go to the Mahjong club!
  • Kaguyahime Hmph! That dwarf in Mahjong Soul Shrine always gives me trouble... Shut up! My real body is more than 9 feet tall, I only use this petite incarnation to not scare you! You should be thankful!
  • RenKisaragi Compared with outdoor sports, maybe reading and housework are better hobbies for me. There's no like or dislike, it's just that everybody has their own thing... What's yours? As long as you don't do stupid things, anything is fine.
  • UsumiIshihara If you'd like to discuss pastries, I can do it all day! But having thought about it, if it's you, the topics don't have to be pastry-related, because I'm willing to talk anything with you until you are too tired to continue!
  • Eliisa Humph! Mr. Wolf only comes to Liisa Liisa when he has no company. Liisa Liisa will not play games with you today. Liisa Liisa has Shaun. Liisa Liisa IS NOT LONELY AT ALL!
  • ChihoriTerasaki I just found a survey showing that as many as 80% of correspondents agree that truth is in the hands of the few. Well, the human mind works in mysterious ways!
  • SakiMiyanaga I don't quite understand this luck thing... Sometimes, the tile I want just comes to me...
  • NodokaHaramura Is there a way to eliminate the pressure of playing Mahjong face-to-face...? Um... Etopen really helped me a lot.
  • KoromoAmae Aren't you tired of losing to Koromo every single time? C'mon, you need to get stronger. One-sided games aren't fun, you know?
  • TeruMiyanaga Aihara... She's actually very good. It will be great if she can be more confident, a little more encouragement won't harm.
  • FuJi Another festival?I kind of witnessed Ichiban City growing...Hmm? Age? Hehe, my fan doesn't mind giving you a wallop like "clap"—as the answer...removing your future curiosity in this question. How does that sound?
  • QiXi You come to a kid every day to play mahjong? Don't you feel ashamed? Tsk...
  • YumekoJabami People at the shrine enjoy the game no matter they win or lose. Ah... That's right. To indulge, to enjoy, and slowly get it freak on.
  • MarySaotome Carefully observe even the smallest detail. Rules are just basics, knowing your opponents is the key.
  • MidariIkishima Where does this come from? For your own sake, mind your own business. But... If you dare to face the consequence, I don't mind telling you... Do you want to know?
  • KirariMomobami The previous trip was joyful. The country indeed has rich culture, and the mahjong rules there are really interesting. I heard that the rules vary from area to area. Those rules must be interesting as well.
  • ReinaNanami You are such a gentle person that Reina often talk to you a lot without realizing it. Please let Reina know if you are tired of it.
  • A-37 Keeping Menzenchin without Riichi is the safest strategy. Quietly lurk around the target and wait for your chance.
  • HibikiHimekawa Hey, hey! Hibiki is trying so hard. Shouldn't you donate? Donate, please… Donation confirmed. Okay, thanks, have a sit in front of the screen.
  • Ryan What kind of flowers do you like, onesan? Don't underestimate me. I'm the top magician of Soul, after all. I can conjure any kind of flowers if you'd like. But if I can choose one for you, onesan... How about a trumpet vine? This kind of flower can do something like... this! It will tightly wrap around people, hehe...
  • AyakoMorikawa Mastema... Has a bad temper... Someone once touched my left arm... And had been dealing into other players' hands for a month... I felt very sorry...
  • NatsuhikoTakigawa Ahem... Do you think it's a little hot in here? I'm sweating up a storm... Would you mind if I took off my shirt? Ah, you should, too. Yours is all wet.
  • ShigeruAkagi Why didn't I remind him? Well, if he can't read a simple hint like that, I'm not the one who takes the blame.
  • IwaoWashizu No calculation is useful without luck. My extraordinary luck is beyond their reach.
  • KazuhaSaionji Thirst... Thirst trap?! How embarrassing! As the successor of Nishiba-ryu, such a grotesque thing is intolerable.
  • NanahaOnodera After finishing reading a good book, I feel satisfied yet empty… What if I can't find any more good books? Hmm? Cherish the moment? Hehe...perhaps that optimism is not bad.
  • Sammir Over my years of traveling, I've crossed paths with all sorts of people, but I've never met someone as sincere as you. Being with you sets my mind at peace.
  • KaguyaShinomiya The president and I are having a fling? Huh, for me, he's just barely has passed the test. That being said, a romantic relationship between a peasant and me is merely baseless speculation, but if he's willing to bow before me and vow to give it all, I have no qualms about training him to become my equal... The president said the same thing? Heh, he's really trying hard to play cool, isn't he? Guys really have the best imaginations. Oh, president... How cute.
  • MiyukiShirogane Just like in other games, psychological games also play a prominent role in Mahjong. Once you know what's going on in your opponent's mind, you basically have the upper hand. All this time, Kaguya and I have been competing in almost every aspect of life. And those daily challenges are just the tip of the iceberg.
  • AiHayasaka Speaking of that hospital... That place freaks me out. I once accompanied my lady there for treatment. Never in my wildest dreams had I thought that she would say something so embarrassing. I couldn't face the doctors and nurses the same way anymore. What makes things worse is that she's oblivious about it! Unless all the hospitals nearby shut down for good, there's no chance of me setting foot in that place...
  • KeiShirogane Right on time! Save me! My brother just got a guitar from who knows where, and he's been playing it forever. Damn, that ain't the sound of a guitar! I beg you, stop him already. I don't care what you have to do! Stop him already!
  • Yuzu Underestimating the power of the Red Panda Squad is a grave mistake. After all, most of the cutest creatures in this world are also the most powerful. Besides... red pandas are also known by another name: the striped wolf. How about now? Aren't you awed by them now?!
  • Zechs Not bad. You've shown unyielding spirit by still holding on... Hehe, most of them are just a bunch of deadbeats! All they know what to do is complain like a bunch of babies after a harsh lesson, and I will give them a beating the next time we meet until they don't have the guts to murmur a single word. I must admit, you're pretty smart and brave. I like you!
  • LilyKitahara Look at this tile. Doesn't it remind you of a cute little bird? Such a pretty thing, yet so fragile that it couldn't even withstand a soft pinch. Northland has no place for things like that.
  • HisaTakei I heard that you were teaching Mihoko how to use the computer. How did it go? Did her notoriously poor understanding of tech catch you off guard? This bothers her sometimes, but I don't think it's that big of a deal. Don't you find it kind of cute that even though she looks so perfect on the outside, she still has small imperfections like this inside?
  • MihokoFukuji Wow! This trick is so interesting. Can you teach me? Telling jokes is not my forte, so I want to learn some tricks that I can show off at any time. Maybe this trick can catch everyone by surprise during the next Mahjong Club gathering, hehe...
  • AkoAtarashi Getting light-headed? You must have been playing Mahjong for too long. Didn't I tell you to prepare some food? Playing Mahjong takes a lot of energy, you know... Here, take this chocolate. Just remember to bring something to repay me the next time, okay?
  • TokiOnjoji Even if there's a difference in strength, with some luck, the weak might still prevail over the strong and ultimately enjoy the fruit of victory. That's Mahjong for you. And that was why I, someone who wasn't really good at anything, can win in Mahjong... That's the reason I fell in love with Mahjong.
  • FuyumiShinomiya If I had to comment on myself, I would say I am an ordinary middle school student. Since we have two chunibyos at home who can't seem to grow up, my biggest wish is to have as ordinary a life as possible. Oh? Didn't my brother tell you? He inherited his chunibyo from my mom!
  • QingLuan Not all of my species are like me. Quite a few like to be close to humans.
  • AyaneKisaragi What's wrong? You look drowsy, like you didn't sleep well. Getting enough sleep is the greatest guarantee of good health, so you have to sleep well. Hmm, let me see... I know, I asked Nadeshiko out to have a drink this weekend. Do you want to come with us? If you gulp down an entire cup, I guarantee you'll sleep tight until dawn!
  • Mirai Human technology is developing faster and faster, but I still like to take Bex with me to repair some old machinery with my own hands. The gnashing sound of gears, the roaring of engines, and the friction sounds of tires are the sounds of machines trying to communicate with the world and us. I love that a lot.
  • LelouchLamperouge Have you seen C.C. around? Did Ichihime take her out to the food alley again? She's adapted to this new world so quickly and is always searching for delicious food. I'm envious of how easy everything seems for her. But then again, I'm more at ease seeing that C.C. is the same as always.
  • C.C. Whichever world you're in, there are always people who cling to their useless dignity, even though they can choose a more relaxed lifestyle.
  • SuzakuKururugi Excuse me, can you give this medicine to Zechs? I think I hurt him when we were practicing just then. I don't think he would take it if I offer it to him, but he should take it if it's you.
  • KallenKouzuki Um... I don't think I'm any good at playing mahjong. I rely solely on my instinct and suck at reading other people's actions.
  • Ransei I'm improving so quickly after starting your special mahjong training program, Master! I'll become the best mahjong player among all ninjas and the best ninjutsu user among all Jyanshi... In other words... I will become the strongest mahjong ninja! Master, please look forward to that day!
  • Ling A program that has a bug can be fixed with a patch, but a crack in a relationship between people is difficult to repair. That's why I hate socializing—you never know when a crack will appear...
  • KuroneToujou Countless Springs does operate a mahjong dojo under its name, but its main purpose is to train Jyanshi than to make money from customers... You should have already visited three other similar dojos right? You don't need to get nervous. I've just heard that the other three Greats have a high opinion of you. I presume that you're also a guest of honor at the dojos they manage.
  • Hannah Argh! Y-You gave me a fright! It's been a while since I arrived here, but I'm still not used to the sound of someone honking the horn. Why must humans drive cars? They release this smelly gas, and it takes even longer for you to arrive at your destination because they get stuck on the road. It's faster to just run.
  • Musa Woof! Grrrr! There are other beasts here.
  • Illya After coming to this world where magic doesn't work, there are times when I'm not used to how things are. For example, I can't transform and fly when I'm in a hurry. Sigh... have I become too reliant on magic and got lazy without realizing it?
  • Miyu Red hair and a cheerful and reliable smile... Don't you think it's amazing how there are people who are so similar to each other in every world?
  • Kuro I'm not always able to explain why I play each tile like Miyu. The moment I draw a tile, I'm able to instantly decide which tile to play next. In my battles in the past and while playing mahjong now, I am able to skip the thinking process and get the result I want without knowing why I do certain things.
  • Gil Ah, I used all my money without realizing it. Fortunately, gold is just as valuable in this era, which saves me a lot of trouble.
  • EveKrist Although One Han City is such a lively place, I still prefer the Northland. To outsiders, it is a really cold place with heavy snow all year round, but that's precisely why we have festivals and celebrations that many other places don't have. If you get the chance, I hope you'll be able to travel there with me. I think you'll like it there.
  • LinLang I've drunk more seawater than the salted water you've drunk, PLAYER. You need to try harder, PLAYER.
  • YuanFeng Playing mahjong is the same as practicing Tai Chi. The best strategy is to use your opponent's strength to attack their weakness... Simply put, you need to set something up, observe the situation, and launch a counterattack.
  • Shiroko It's hot today... Do you think there's a pool around here? Air conditioning and fans are nice, but I prefer being in the water.
  • Hoshino Ugh. Everyone is getting a Tsumo and winning! And I haven't dealt in at all. This is the worst...
  • Aru ...I walk too fast? Nonsense. I walk with purpose. Besides, the slower we go, the longer it is before we can play mahjong.
  • Mutsuki GOTCHA! ...What's that look for? You don't appreciate a well-executed prank? But it's so funny! Hahaha!
  • Kutsuji Come on, all I did was plant a little listening device on you. Do you really need to get so angry? You're far more ruthless when you use me to get information. Shouldn't you console me too?
  • Leia I'm meeting Miss Nikaidou for afternoon tea. Do you want to join us? I think she'll be really happy if you do.
  • Cynthia It's really unpleasant to hear the mobile phone ringing urgently at a busy time such as when I'm preparing to go on the catwalk. Please check my phone for me and answer the call if it's the brand owner. According to my experience, this phone call should be from... I knew it! It's my boss. Just hang up directly. After that, text my boss and get him to send me an email later. Thanks!