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Lobby Interactive Voice 8

Lobby Interactive Voice 8の音声

Displaying 1 - 92 of 92
  • Ichihime Nyaa~...Snacks always taste better when they are given to me by someone else. I want more!
  • MikiNikaidou The Moon beautiful...
  • KanaFujita Sometimes, I want to have a break too. Let’s sing Karaoke together!
  • ChioriMikami Why do you keep looking at Chiori's pudding? Do you want to eat it? Really? What a pervert. Fine, open your mouth... You can have a small bite~
  • MaiAihara Please hold my hands while you’re praying this time... Hmm... (expresses happiness)... (suddenly snaps out of it) Oops, sorry, I forgot my lines!
  • Nadeshiko Playing Mahjong in person is much more fun than online, since you can see your opponent's movements and expressions. ...Don't be so nervous! You're much cuter when you're relaxed!
  • YuiYagi Senpai, if you don’t mind, how about a Mahjong game? With me.
  • RiuKujou Are you tired? Come sit down for a rest. I’ve got tea and snacks prepared for you. You want a massage? Hohoho, sure, let me give you a GOOD one... Wait, why are you running away?
  • Xenia You want to spend time at home instead of going out? Haha, that’s good from time to time, a quiet world between the two of us... How about doing something special together?
  • Kaavi Want to have a match against my mentor? I advise you to give up such ideas. She is much worse than me to some extent, for instance... she will do whatever it takes to show you all the possibilities.
  • NatsukiShinomiya Would you like to go to the event next week with me? I've already thought about it, nobody fits the assistant of "White Night" better than you!
  • Wanjirou Ouch, why is that cat here? AIBO, don't tell anyone that you have seen me. Wait, do you have cologne? I gotta cover my smell...
  • SoraIchinose Hmm... Why do you play this tile? Apparently, the other tile is more efficient! Although you are older than me, you don't seem to be smarter. Well, I guess it's time for me to teach you how to play with efficiency in mind.
  • HidekiAkechi Are you interested in the ancient Yaku? Let me teach you. Grandma showed them to me when I was little, so I often make ancient Yaku without realizing. Many of them are quite interesting, actually. It's a shame that they are no longer used.
  • Keikumusume What am I reading? "How to Maintain Hats", that's the title of this book.
  • Sara I have always been living on my own feet. Sometimes, I too want to rely on someone else. Dear guest, what do you think?
  • HanaNinomiya Recently, I can feel more attention on me, especially from boys. Have I changed? ...Have you done anything to me?
  • NanaShiraishi Boys are stupid because they always try to figure out what girls are thinking. Girls are stupid because they enjoy watching boys trying everything but still having no clues whatsoever.
  • HinataTakanashi Let's go somewhere else to hike the next time! I'd like to get closer... Oh, I didn't mean it, I mean getting closer to the nature...
  • HarunaIgarashi Hey hey hey! Listen to me! Haruna has now remembered all the 1-han Yaku! Soon, I will be able to remember all the 2-han ones! What do you think? Isn’t that awesome?
  • AnjuSuzumiya To make myself more human-like, KR-976 was programmed to generate fear reactions. So it is, completely normal, for me to be scared. But KR-976 will never tell you what I fear!
  • Joseph There seems to be a new Mahjong Club in town. Looks like our "vault" will have more treasures soon, partner.
  • OsamuSaitou Do I look more approachable in casual wear? ...Indeed, one's dress can easily influence others' impression of him. But the fact that I want to get close to you has nothing to do with what I wear. Still don't get it? ...Keep thinking, idiot.
  • SawakoKitami Mahjong or afternoon tea? You're such a kid. You know, as an adult, I would choose to have both. Well, give me one sec so I can make some tea and snacks, then we can play Mahjong together!
  • Ein Zzz... Sorry, I'm feeling a bit tired these days. Can I lean on you and sleep for a while...
  • MomoHina Mr. Rabbit, Momo, Momo finally understands what "liking someone" means! That's why... Momo likes Mr. Rabbit a lot... no... the most!
  • ZanTsukimi If you think the world is too big and you are too trivial, how about changing a perspective? The world is vast, but to someone who likes you, you are his entire world... Haha, don't you think I am very philosophical today? Of course I got that line from elsewhere just to please you. Speaking of it, which book did I read that from...
  • KiraraFujimoto Girls are only young once, so no matter how bankrupt, I must dress up and look gorgeous and brilliant. That's my "Gal Way"!
  • Kaguyahime How foolish! Can't you see my real intention behind all the All Simples? Listen, this is the only way to highlight your awesomeness when winning a big hand! That's the strategy of a goddess... What strategy? Hmm... um... right! It's the strategy to make you the best Jyanshi in Ichiban City. If you play better than a goddess, of course you are the best! How about that! Are you shocked by my genius idea?!
  • RenKisaragi Ouch—stop poking there! Are you a little kid? I've had enough of this poking game you play every day. I, I admit that I can't take the itch... But isn't that normal? I said no! If you do it again, I won't hesitate to give you a tickle too... Don't run!
  • UsumiIshihara What are you to me? ...It could be the caramel in a pudding, the icing on a doughnut, or the fresh cream on a parfait... Don't get it? What I want to say is, I am complete because of you.
  • Eliisa About dozing off in class… Well… Books always smell like grass and wood. They remind Liisa Liisa of the naps taken on ranch meadow. Naturally it leads to…
  • ChihoriTerasaki The future is always there, even if you don't think about it. But it's a good thing to have some expectations. This way, I won't get lonely or bored even if you are not around!
  • SakiMiyanaga Ah... When I stay with you, I can have peace of mind like when I'm with Nodoka. Just looking at the clouds almost makes me fall asleep... Zzzz...
  • NodokaHaramura Saki said you found Etopen for me, is that so? Thank you, I really can't imagine life without him.
  • KoromoAmae When Koromo was the only one winning, everyone was very upset and I couldn't enjoy myself either. But people here are different. They enjoy the game no matter they are winning or not. Koromo is very happy too!
  • TeruMiyanaga On the Mahjong table, no matter how unfortunate you are, good luck will come eventually. I wish life can be the same.
  • FuJi After some deep thoughts, I've realized that there's no difference between being an idol and a god! You know, they bring people hopes like "rhaaa", and they let people fancy them like "chua, chua", and finally make people spend tons of money supporting them like "splash", for if they lose, they lose their face as well as popularity...Wait, is this the reason some idols are called goddesses? Aha, how unexpected. They have already realized this.
  • QiXi Ahh! Don't you dare to touch my hair! ...No, stop, or else I can't grow any taller! I'm warning you, I bite when I get mad. And...and I wallop, too!
  • YumekoJabami Cheating isn't a foul. In my opinion, that's just a way to succeed. To be honest, I don't hate cheaters. After all... Isn't the determination to pursue success fantastic?
  • MarySaotome Friends? If this was in the past, I probably couldn't care less since they just block my way to success. But now... Maybe they don't sound so bad.
  • MidariIkishima Be it an early Riichi or a Triple Calling, attacking more or less means no turning back. Gambling with no possible retreat... Do you want to walk away from such pleasure? You... Are not that kind of person, right?
  • KirariMomobami The key to winning streaks?... There is no such thing. Losing all the way even if you have tried your best is what gambling is. If there has to be an answer, I would say that those who hold the fate of victory win, something like that.
  • ReinaNanami Umu, it has been a long time since Reina visited a theme park, but Reina will try not to be a burden! If... If we are in a haunted house, Reina will try to protect you... Reina is not scared of anything, for real, because ghosts only exist in books, not...not in real life!
  • A-37 You are the most troublesome person I've ever met... Don't be like that next time.
  • HibikiHimekawa Ah! Told ya not to play that tile! I've told you a million times that you have to pay extra attention when it comes to this kind of situation!Tsk… Brace up! Remember that I personally taught you!
  • Ryan Do you ever think about someone else when you're with me, onesan? If you do, I must not be treating you good enough. If that's the case... (Kiss) Am I the only one on your mind now, onesan?
  • AyakoMorikawa This potion can boost my luck. If I drink it before exams, I will definitely pass... For sure...
  • NatsuhikoTakigawa You're so cute. I say it all the time, but that's because it's the truth, haha... Ah, don't blush. You-... You're making me feel like I said something weird...
  • ShigeruAkagi The money I had? I spent it all in less than 3 days. And that's why I work here, kekeke...
  • IwaoWashizu The timing is important. To find out where, when, and how to win, and to seize the "chance to victory", you need to fully concentrate!
  • KazuhaSaionji Dogs are samurais' most loyal companions, yet I wonder why they are reluctant to get close to me... On the other hand, the wild kittens in my courtyard seem to like me a lot. Such a perplexing turn of events.
  • NanahaOnodera What's the matter? Don't worry, if you feel awkward, there's no need to force yourself to continue reading. I am already satisfied that you are willing to learn about my favorite things... Hmm? You prefer me to recite for you? Hehe... sure thing. I believe... you will love these books as well.
  • Sammir One Han City is so free. It embraces all kinds of cultures, so everyone can find a place of their own. If only I'd known about this place much earlier...
  • KaguyaShinomiya It goes without saying that the bigger the storage a phone has, the better. How else could we save precious memories? Look, Kei sent me this photo of the president... Ah, how awesome would it be if I had a sister like her?
  • MiyukiShirogane My dad once told me that if someone you care for or your crush gets into trouble, a man should stand up and be a protector. And that would be me. I would like to be the man he spoke of who faces all hardships gallantly... Of course, that doesn't apply to the outcome of a battle! Am I right, Kei? Huh? Gross? "It makes sense, but someone who's not a gentleman is just gross"? Gee... You don't want to mess around with kids these days...
  • AiHayasaka Oh?! You get it? Sitting on a chair while taking a bath is underrated, right? I mean, who can resist enjoying the sense of security provided by the chair while soaking in a warm bath to get rid of all your weariness... If that's taken away from my life, there's no way I can keep doing this job.
  • KeiShirogane What comic do I recommend? Please read Sweet Today. Gosh, it's a tear-jerker. Even the priestess at the Temple of Moons is raving about it. Anyone who read it will yearn for romance in their life!
  • Yuzu The source of the Law of Witches, you ask? I've made them myself, of course! Witches are the world's most unique and mysterious individuals. Every witch has her own beliefs and standards. All you need to do is follow mine.
  • Zechs Ah... Hmph... (moaning) Ah, who... who gave you permission to touch my tail? I knew it! I shouldn't have let my guard down and let you come close to me, you cunning human... Hey! Are you exploiting my weakness when I'm vulnerable?!
  • LilyKitahara Beautiful souls attract each other, just like beautiful bodies do. I guess this is why I have fallen for you. I love you with all my heart, both your body and soul!
  • HisaTakei Eh? You've solved your problems based on my suggestions? Is... is that so... I was just saying that. I didn't expect you to actually do it...
  • MihokoFukuji It's a shame that I couldn't lead everyone to the end during my final year. But it's alright, Kana, Bundo, Yoshitome, Fukabori...Perhaps more talented players will join the Kazekoshi Mahjong Club in the future. I believe that as long as we don't give up, Kazekoshi High will one day earn its own glory.
  • AkoAtarashi Maybe it's because my family also manages a shrine, I feel pretty comfortable training here. Although my place does not have a god as cute as Ichihime! Speaking of cat-eared priestesses... I heard that Kiyosumi's sergeant would dress as a maid to serve customers in her own Mahjong Club. Maybe, it would be a good idea to do some cosplay in my shrine to attract customers? I'll suggest this to my sis next time!
  • TokiOnjoji When you surround yourself with outstanding individuals, it's normal to compare yourself with them and be envious of something they have that you don't. However, I don't see the need for such a comparison... When you focus on the things you have, you'll realize that you are being envied by others as well.
  • FuyumiShinomiya My deskmate has a boyfriend, which kinda makes me feel a little envious, haha, but they seem really distressed when they are quarreling... Speaking of which, what's your type?
  • QingLuan This is a cup of Pre-Qingming Longjing tea. Not everyone has the chance to drink it. Be grateful as you drink.
  • AyaneKisaragi Every part of the human body is equivalent to a part of a machine. Although a damaged part can continue to function after it is repaired, if you don't take good care of it, it will become increasingly fragile and easier to break. Compared with seeing a doctor when you are sick, it's more important for you to take good care of your body. I like your healthy body a lot, so you must take good care of it. It's a promise, okay?
  • Mirai The idea that all science students are bald is a preconception! Yes, definitely! True knowledge comes from practice, so I'll let you touch my hair... See? My hair is thick and healthy!
  • LelouchLamperouge There are many people who live the right way but still can't survive in the world. After all, the world is not so gentle. Therefore, I'm willing to embark on the path of rebellion to create a gentle world.
  • C.C. Lelouch will make my wish come true, but for that to happen, I must first fulfill his wish to return to his original world and create a gentle world.
  • SuzakuKururugi There's also a pond like this around the Kururugi Shrine, and I used to go lobster fishing there. Have you tried it before? You tie up a frog's legs like this... Ah, I miss it so much. I know, if you haven't tried this before, do you want to try lobster fishing at the pond of Mahjong Soul Shrine?
  • KallenKouzuki Zero's true identity isn't important. As the leader of the Order of the Black Knights, he is very capable and has been evenly matched with Britannia several times. He deserves our unconditional trust even if we don't know his true identity.
  • Ransei The vice president's "problem children" list?! Did you see it too...? I don't understand why I'm on the list. I've always been the top student of my year. After all, diligence is the nature of a ninja, and I can't let my ninjutsu or studies fall behind. What's more, studying is much easier than training in the mountains.
  • Ling When going on a date... it's better to go to a place with fewer people so it'll be more convenient if you want to do something you don't want others to know about... Huh? That's not your intention?
  • KuroneToujou As you can see, the whole street below us is filled with businesses run by Countless Springs. It's impossible for me to intervene in everything even if I'm the manager here... What's more, all my thoughts are on you right now, and you're someone who I just can't stop worrying about.
  • Hannah This looks really delicious... but I need to lose weight. If not, I won't fit into that fluffy dress... Ah, but I really want to eat it... PLAYER, please do your best to stop me if I lose self-control! I'm counting on you!
  • Musa Night time... dangerous to be alone... Stay with me.
  • Illya I wonder when we'll be able to return to our world. There are so many things I haven't done, such as my summer homework... Don't tell me we'll return just in time for school to start?!
  • Miyu You've made a mistake. I'm only acquaintances with the others, not friends. I only have one friend—Illya... Wait, let me correct myself. Including you, I have two friends.
  • Kuro Thanks! If you weren't with me, I wouldn't have been able to get inside Asaha High School to play. It's all because of that old-fashioned vice president. All I did was play some pranks on the girls in the school. Is it necessary to be so wary of me?
  • Gil I went to the water park here earlier, but I think it is not fun enough. I am thinking of acquiring it and building it into a more interesting place. When that happens, you can be the opening guest. Don't worry, the leisure park I ran was really popular.
  • EveKrist PLAYER, when is your birthday? I want to arrange a birthday celebration for you. The nun said that our birthdays are a day on which we should thank God for sending people who are important to us to this world, that's why your birthday is such an important day to me, PLAYER.
  • LinLang The weak are food for the strong, which means I can eat PLAYER... Urgh! Bleurgh! PLAYER tastes bad. Geez, there are so many different species that are edible in One Han City, but so few of them taste good.
  • YuanFeng When we discuss the Tao, we simply express our views on a matter while exchanging ideas with others. It's not as profound as it seems. For example, don't you often discuss the Tao of mahjong with me too? Speaking of which, I prefer to have such discussions with you because your Tao of mahjong often exudes a kind of beauty that has no regard for the lives of others. It's extremely shocking.
  • Shiroko ...Oh, PLAYER, are you tired? I'm sorry. I didn't realize. Please get some rest.
  • Hoshino Look! It's a fish! Hahaha! It's so cute!
  • Aru Heehee! I can tell by the look on your face that you want to play mahjong with me. Well, get ready for an unforgettable experience, because you're about to play with the president of Problem Solver 68!
  • Mutsuki I love playing games with Chiori. Her reactions are so interesting. But... Your reactions are absolutely fascinating.
  • Kutsuji My dear boss, you shouldn't keep pushing the boundaries just because we know each other so well. Things will be awkward for both of us if the people above us get wind of this... Well, it's not like I can't open a back door for you... but how will you thank me?
  • Leia It's okay. Just because you're a little reckless doesn't mean you're wrong. Just try again if you fail. Don't worry, I believe you're right, so that means you're right.
  • Cynthia Entertainment reporters have nothing better to do with their lives nowadays. They follow us around after we get off work and hide in some random tree until midnight just to snap the most boring photo of us up close. Haha, I don't mind, but I feel sorry for you because they're saying that you're my secret lover.