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Holy Mahjong War Act.1

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聖雀戦争 Holy Mahjong War Act.1 Holy Mahjong War Act.1 [-] The Holy Mahjong War is a mysterious war that starts every few years.
Diviner, Teacher, Caster, Gunner, Dancer, Brother, and Sister. The seven Jyanshi with the above code names will soon start fighting in a war for an omnipotent wish-granting device…
[-] That's all I know about the Holy Mahjong War. Do you three little lost sheep have any other questions?
[-] Um... Do we have any other questions? It's actually more accurate for us to say...
[-] We don't understand anything at all.
[-] Before saying anything else, can you tell us who you are?
[-] Oh yes, I haven't introduced myself yet, hehe.
[-] I'm Lily Kitahara. As you can see, I'm a nun of this church, and I'm the personnel responsible for the Holy Mahjong War this time.
[-] Hi, I'm Illya. This is my little sister Kuro and my friend Miyu.
[-] I'm your older sister! Let's stop the pleasant exchange of self-introductions here. Miss Nun, can you tell us why we're here?
[-] T-That's right! That's the most important thing...
[-] Illya and the others have no memory of how they came to this church, and even their memory of what happened before they arrived here is a little vague. What's more, they feel a sharp stabbing pain in their brains when they try to recall these memories, as if they have been sealed.
[-] I have this really strange feeling... Did we enter a Mirror World without realizing it?
[-] This shouldn't have anything to do with the Mirror Worlds. I don't remember a church like this in Fuyuki City, nor a nun with such a suspicious temperament.
[-] Haha, you're such a straightforward child.
[-] Indeed, this isn't the Fuyuki City you mentioned. As for what happened to you and how you came to One Han City, I'm afraid you can only ask the omnipotent wish-granting device. I don't really know the details either.
[-] But the majority of those who are summoned here are guided by their wishes, and you should be no exception.
[-] Omnipotent... wish-granting device?
[-] ...I-Is there really such a thing as a device that can fulfill any wish or desire?!
[-] You really believe that? Ugh... Things are getting more and more suspicious. Where is this so-called omnipotent wish-granting device?
[-] Win the Holy Mahjong War and you'll naturally be able to see it.
[-] But you don't seem to have a Jyanshi Card, which symbolizes your eligibility to participate in the war.
[-] Another strange term has appeared... How do we get one of these Jyanshi Cards you mentioned? Don't tell me we need to get them from a draw?
[-] Unfortunately, all the Jyanshi Cards have been issued already.
[-] Um, what should we do then...? Can you print a few extra cards for us right now...?
[-] Judging from her tone, that shouldn't be possible. I think certain qualifications are needed.
[-] I can give you a Jyanshi Card if you want one.
[-] Who's there?
[-] Illya, Kuro, and Miyu turn around to see a woman with a hot body and kind face walking towards them while waving a card in her hand.
[-] I was thinking of returning this card to Miss Kitahara and withdrawing from the competition. Since you need one, I'll give it to you.
[-] As she speaks, the woman hands the card to Illya.
[-] Thanks! Who are you?
[-] I'm Ayane Kisaragi, the school nurse of Asaha High School.
[-] Thanks! But are you sure this is okay? Don't you have any wishes or desires you want fulfilled?
[-] Miss Kisaragi, I remember your wish is to sleep in until you wake up naturally every day and meet a compatible lover, right?
[-] That's right, but when I think about it, I already get to sleep in until I wake up naturally every day, and as for a lover... I have someone in mind now, so I don't need any wishes to be fulfilled.
[-] Hehe, I wonder what kind of person is amazing enough for you to willingly forsake the chance to have your wish fulfilled by the omnipotent wish-granting device.
[-] Anyone who can make such a kind beauty like them must be really lucky.
[-] Instead of panicking when the others start teasing her, Ayane Kisaragi looks proud instead.
[-] That person is an outstanding Jyanshi and is very popular with everyone. Maybe you've even met before.
[-] I'll be off then. Good luck, girls!
[-] I'm sorry, can I ask you one more question? What kind of war is the Holy Mahjong War?
[-] I've been wanting to ask that too.
[-] If it's very dangerous... we can't take part in it even if there's a chance to get the omnipotent wish-granting device.
[-] At this moment, Illya and the others are all worried about one thing. What will happen to them if it's necessary to fight physically?
[-] Illya and Miyu noticed earlier that the Kaleidosticks they use to transform aren't anywhere to be seen. Kuro also tried to transform earlier to beat some useful information out of Lily Kitahara, but she couldn't use her magic power smoothly.
[-] In this unfamiliar place called One Han City, their transformation ability has also been sealed just like their memories.
[-] Why are you so nervous? This is the Holy Mahjong War, so you'll naturally be playing mahjong.
[-] Perhaps they are worried they'll encounter some strong Jyanshi. After all, the participating Jyanshi are all incredibly strong.
[-] Mahjong... I'm happy it won't be necessary to resolve this with any fighting.
[-] It's too soon to relax. Illya, do you know how to play mahjong?
[-] Um, now that you mention it... Do either of you know how to play mahjong?
[-] No.
[-] I've only read the rules in a book. It seems to be related to probability, but I haven't actually played it before.
[-] You don't know how to play mahjong either, Kuro... It makes sense though. We're ordinary grade school students. It's normal for us to not know how to play mahjong.
[-] Are you from somewhere else? In One Han City, everyone knows how to play mahjong, including grade school students.
[-] Really?!
[-] Since they have this strange competition, I wouldn't be surprised even if everyone in this city knows how to play mahjong.
[-] Is there a place that teaches people how to play mahjong around here?
[-] I can teach you if you want to learn how to play.
[-] Really?! But we've already taken your card. Would it be a lot of trouble for you?
[-] It's okay! Let's find a place to teach you then.
[-] Oh right, I still don't know your names.
[-] After a brief round of self-introductions, Ayane Kisaragi takes Illya and the others to Asaha High School where she works after bidding farewell to Lily Kitahara.
[-] It happens to be a holiday today, so the four of them go to a random classroom to start their last-minute mahjong tutorial class...
[-] You know pretty much everything you need to know now. It's time to test you.
[-] Question 1: When Dragons tiles are used as Dora indicators, what is their corresponding order? Student No.1, Illya, please answer this question.
[-] I get to answer first? Um... I remember the order should be White, Green, and then Red, right?
[-] Correct. You've been paying attention in class. You can be more confident next time.
[-] Hehe...
[-] Compared with the number tiles and East, South, West, and North, some people tend to forget the order of the Dragons tiles and end up misreading the Dora when playing mahjong in person. You need to remember this order.
[-] Next question. When another player calls Riichi and you need to defend, what is the order of Last Discard Safe Tile, Suji, and Early Turn Outer Tile tactics in terms of safety?
[-] Student No.2, Kuro, you can answer this question since you're the older sister.
[-] Hehe, it's my turn.
[-] H-Hey! I'm the older sister...!
[-] The safest option is Last Discard Safe Tile followed by Suji. Only after playing those options will I consider playing outer tiles if it's still early on.
[-] Correct. If you're determined to defend, you should follow this safety order to avoid any danger.
[-] But in my opinion, in most cases, it seems like the outer tiles even in early turns are a trap.
[-] I see. As expected of Kuro. After all, you're someone who would think of doing something nasty like this in those situations.
[-] It's getting late, so I'll get Student No. 3, Miyu, to answer the last question.
[-] Please ask the question.
[-] When calculating the number of Fu, which one out of Tsumo, Single-wait Tenpai, and Double Seat Wind Janto does not count as 2 Fu?
[-] Double Seat Wind Janto counts as 4 Fu, but it can also count as 2 Fu under certain special rules.
[-] Wow, you know something that I didn't teach you. I have no choice but to give you full marks. Your answer is perfect.
[-] Thanks.
[-] I know it! No matter where she is, Miyu will always be a top student.
[-] That's the end of today's class. Don't forget to review what you've learned today after going home.
[-] Going home...
[-] We've only been thinking about the Holy Mahjong War that we forgot to find a place to stay.
[-] Don't worry, Illya, I'll think of something...
[-] Illya and the others all get a little depressed after they start talking about the issue of going home. Ayane Kisaragi, who was about to leave, notices the strange air around them and smiles after a moment of silence.
[-] I bought too much food today. If you don't mind, would you like to have dinner at my place tonight?
[-] The girls' future is still unclear, but at least they won't need to worry about not having a warm bed to sleep in tonight.