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Ask Nana Shiraishi if she needs any help


What happened? You look very nervous. Do you need my help? Well... it's a little complicated, and I can't explain things clearly in a sentence or two. Argh! There's our target! What?! They're already here?!{var:Shake} As soon as she hears Yuzu's voice behind me, Nana Shiraishi shudders and runs away. Sensing that there's something interesting going on between them, I quicken my pace and follow them. What's the situation? What bad thing did you do to make Yuzu chase after you? I didn't do anything! Also, I'm not running away from Yuzu - I'm running away from the dog with her! It's just a dog. Is it necessary to be so nervous... Holy?! After looking behind me, I see an Alaskan Malamute with something in his mouth dragging Yuzu along as he chases after us furiously. The pedestrians on both sides, frightened by the fierce momentum of the Alaskan, consciously move aside to get out of the way. ...Arf! I take back what I just said! Who wouldn't run in this kind of situation?! Exactly! Huff... Huff... We finally managed to escape after running around for so long. I'm sorry. It's my fault that you were chased around too. There's no such thing. I followed you because I was curious. Since I've been on the run with you for so long today, can you tell me what's happened now? It's like this. When I was chatting with Yuzu and some other people earlier, I mentioned that I'm afraid of dogs. After that, Yuzu asked me to meet up with her today and specially brought a massive dog with her, saying that she wanted me to play with him to help me overcome my weakness with desensitization therapy. Desensitization therapy... I understand the theory, but isn't it a little too exciting to make someone who's scared of dogs interact with an Alaskan Malamute right away...? You're wrong about that. A person who's scared of dogs is scared of both large dogs and small dogs. That's why they are scared of dogs! People who are truly afraid of dogs are precisely that cowardly! I don't understand how you can be so proud about being cowardly... sobs quietly Hmm? This sound... Is someone crying? I think it's that little girl over there. Let's go ask her what's happened. Are you okay? Why are you crying all alone here? The balloon... I can't reach it... sobs ...Oh, look at that, Nana. I think she's talking about the balloon stuck among the branches. Although we found the balloon, there's about a three-meter distance between the branches and us. It won't be easy to get the balloon down. Good job! It's easy now that we know where it is. Don't cry, little girl. We'll help you get the balloon. Junior, come and help me. What are you going to do? You'll probably need to climb the tree to get it. Aren't you afraid that Yuzu will catch up to you? Just relax. It's a lot easier than that. You just need to put your palms together so I can stand on them. After that, you can push me up when I step on them. Really? Will that work...? Get ready! Here I go! Nana Shiraishi takes a few steps back to distance herself. After taking a deep breath, she sprints in front of me and makes a small jump. Meanwhile, I lift her feet with my hands like I'm performing a volleyball dig. Nana Shiraishi uses the extra force to jump up high and grab the balloon string by relying on her quick eyes and hands. I've got it! She really managed to get it?! This jumping ability... Is she the superwoman of Asaha High School or something...? Here you go, little girl. Hold it tightly this time so it won't escape again. Thanks! You're so amazing! You jumped so high just now! Hehe, this is nothing. Now that we've helped her, I think it's time for us to keep running. Don't run off just yet. I don't think we can just keep running like this. Alaskans are famous for their good stamina. Are you sure you can beat him in a battle of endurance? What's more, no matter how energetic you are, it's completely unnecessary to have a battle of endurance with him. After all, you won't get any rewards for winning, and you'll suffer if you lose. It doesn't sound like it's worth it no matter how I think about it. You're right. And I've got some requests to take care of at school tomorrow. What should I do? Let me see... Hmm? There's a café not far from us on the left, and there's a sign that says "No Pets Allowed" at the door...