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The Unshareable Secret


The new company has issued a new set of management regulations requiring all artists to pay attention to their words and deeds at all times and not just when they are in fro
nt of or behind the scenes. There are even clear rules on surfing the Internet.
If an artist accidentally likes something or posts an improper remark, the company will punish them according to the circumstances, which is why the manager is reminding Kan
a Fujita again to not make any mistakes.
Kana Fujita nods obediently: "You've repeated yourself three times already! Don't worry, I've already created an alternate account, so those things will never happen."
Nobody will continue to criticize an adorable girl who is acting cute, so the manager reluctantly agrees to let Kana Fujita use her alternate account after confirming that p
eople won't associate the CatChat account called "Gossip Harvester" with her.
After getting her official exemption, Kana Fujita started using her alternate account and hung out in many anonymous discussion groups all year round. She is interested in a
wide variety of gossip, ranging from insider information on who will win the Popularity Award in this year's film festival to news about false eyelashes falling off during
the performance of a certain girl group yesterday. As Nadeshiko puts it, Kana likes to gossip about anything, no matter how ridiculous, without bothering to verify the authe
As an idol who has once been victimized by rumors, Kana Fujita has her own principles, so when she sees people deliberately smearing others with false comments, she uses her
alternate account to clarify things for others.
"Those two have a wonderful private relationship, so it's impossible for them to be arguing with each other. Don't let those marketing accounts trick you!"
"That was just the crew's dinner gathering. The two leading actors aren't dating!"
"The lead singer sprained one foot before the concert started and insisted on performing while seated on a chair so the fans won't be disappointed. They weren't putting on a
half-hearted performance."
By the time the manager found out about this, Kana Fujita's alternate account had gained a considerable number of followers on CatChat. The fans are convinced that "Gossip H
arvester" is an insider in the industry and watch her account closely for the latest and most explosive news. At the same time, they are also curious about the owner of this
The manager holds her hand tight against her throbbing forehead: "KANA FUJITA!"
"Wait! Listen to my excuse... I mean, my explanation first...!"
"What's there to explain? If everyone finds out that the popular idol who appears in video ads on the Internet every day, the illuminated displays that flash past them when
they're taking the subway, or the LED screens outside the windows of office buildings is the same person who is fooling around on CatChat, you'll definitely lose fans!"
Knowing very well that she is in the wrong, Kana Fujita huddles on the sofa in the practice room and wisely keeps her silence.
"I'll discuss a targeted solution with the boss, but one thing is certain." The manager calms down. "That is, no one can ever know that 'Gossip Harvester' is your account!"
Since this day, the idol Kana Fujita had one more secret she can't share with others.