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Could it be someone who likes you?


[player]Well... If we're being optimistic, maybe it's someone who likes you. [player]Maybe it's a shy boy who is hesitating about whether he should confess his love to you. Seeing that Hana Ninomiya is getting more and more uneasy, I quickly say something to comfort her. However, she has a peculiar reaction after hearing my words and makes a strange troubled look. [Hana Ninomiya]Someone who would like someone invisible like me might have strange preferences when it comes to women. After all, normal people don't notice me at all. [Hana Ninomiya]There's no way I can be happy when I think about it this way. [player]Don't feel that way. At least I think you're really cute, Ninomiya. It's not surprising for there to be someone who likes you. [Hana Ninomiya]Thanks, but you don't have to comfort me so seriously. [player]I'm not trying to comfort you. Ninomiya, do you think I have strange tastes or do you think I'm a hypocrite who says flattering things even to friends? [Hana Ninomiya]That's not what I mean. It's just... I'm not cute in any way. Cute is usually used to describe someone like Kana. [player]There's no question a popular idol is cute, but that's just one type of cute. [player]I'm certain I'm not the only person who thinks you're cute. Your friends must have also said similar words of praise. Surely I'm not the only one who has such good taste? [Hana Ninomiya]...Fine, I give up. As Ninomiya speaks, she raises her hands in surrender. A smile finally appears on her face that had been tense due to worry, except she is smiling teasingly. [Hana Ninomiya]After all, you have a glib tongue that can win over all the ladies. There's no way I can win an argument against you. [player]Doesn't that mean you still don't believe me... [Hana Ninomiya]I believe you. How can I let your sincere praise go to waste? [Hana Ninomiya]Thank you, PLAYER. [player]You're welcome. Hana Ninomiya usually gives me the impression that she is quiet and taciturn, so it's quite refreshing to see her tease me with a smirk on her face. [player]By the way, if someone really is following you, doesn't this mean you've become more noticeable? [Hana Ninomiya]If being followed is the cost of being attractive, then I would rather be transparent... [Hana Ninomiya]Even if you're right about that person being someone who likes me, why do they have to approach me in such a disturbing way? Why can't they just say what they want to say to my face? [player]You're right about that. No matter what, it isn't right to follow someone. [Hana Ninomiya]...But I don't really have the right to say that about that person since I often follow and investigate others for Jane. [player]Well... I better change the topic. Since we can't resolve the problem, continuing to talk about the stalker will just make her more troubled. [player]By the way, Ninomiya, why do you want to make yourself more noticeable? [Hana Ninomiya]I don't think I need any special reason to want to become more popular. [player]I guess so, but there's a slight difference between wanting to become more noticeable and simply wanting to become more popular. Ninomiya puts down the drink in her hand and stares straight at me. I hope I didn't offend her unintentionally by saying that. [player]I-I just said that off the top of my head. Let's chat about something else. [Hana Ninomiya]It's okay. I'm not angry. I'm just thinking that it's scary how perceptive you are. [Hana Ninomiya]I didn't expect you to realize that I wanted to become more noticeable not because I wanted to become more eye-catching. To me, this is a matter of life and death. I-It's that serious? [Hana Ninomiya]PLAYER, have you heard of the phenomenon called "lonely death" before? [player]Yes, I have. It's when an elderly person who lives alone dies without anyone knowing because they don't receive timely treatment when they suddenly get sick. [Hana Ninomiya]This doesn't just apply to the elderly. People of any age can die without anyone knowing if they are ignored by the people around them for a long time. [Hana Ninomiya]I used to think it's nice to be transparent and live quietly alone, but I can't seem to laugh it off after hearing about the "lonely death" phenomenon. [Hana Ninomiya]It wouldn't be surprising if someone as transparent as me has such a tragic ending one day... [player]Haha, you don't have to worry about that. [Hana Ninomiya]How can I feel relieved in my current situation? [player]You have me. Whether you remain transparent like now or become even more transparent, I'll watch out for you, so you shouldn't worry too much about this. [player]... [player]...I-I'm serious. You should give me some response at least. I feel really awkward. [Hana Ninomiya]...Haha! She does give me a response, but I can't decide which response is more embarrassing between Hana Ninomiya's laughter and the silence from before. [Hana Ninomiya]S-Sorry, I hope you don't take offense. I didn't expect you to be so serious, so I was a little embarrassed and didn't know what to say. [Hana Ninomiya]Also, shouldn't you say something more positive when you're trying to comfort someone? For example, wouldn't you say that people will start to notice me more? [player]I was just giving you a guarantee. Isn't that more reassuring? [player]Also, judging from your tone, you don't seem to be that worried about having a "lonely death" anyway. [Hana Ninomiya]I'm just not overly worried. The main reason I want to become more noticeable is that playing mahjong has made me realize that I'm not doomed to be transparent for the rest of my life. I still have the opportunity to change my life... Hana Ninomiya recalls and shares with me her memories of the first time she and Kana Fujita were called to the student council's office to play against Usumi Ishihara and the others. [Hana Ninomiya]...After that game... laugh at me if you want, but I cried when I was having a shower at night. [Hana Ninomiya]I told the me from kindergarten that I've done it and that I've stepped under the spotlight on that green square stage. [Hana Ninomiya]Even Kana, who is a popular idol, said that I stand out when I play the tiles, so I have no reason to give up in life. I want to win. I want to try my best to win every game and become someone that my opponents can't ignore. [player]You can do it. I always have to be careful when I play against you. Her desire to win will make her work hard to improve her skills. She'll definitely become someone who will catch everyone's eyes at the mahjong table. [Hana Ninomiya]Even if having a "lonely death" isn't the main reason I want to become more noticeable, I won't pretend I didn't hear what you just said, PLAYER. [Hana Ninomiya]It's rare for you to make a promise so seriously, so you'll have to take responsibility for it. Like you said, it's more reassuring to have a guarantee. [player]I naturally won't take back what I said, so you should focus on becoming stronger so more people will notice you. Now that I think about it, it won't be easy to take responsibility for this promise. However, when I see how hard Ninomiya is trying, I find it hard not to support her. We chat for a long time and suddenly realize it's time for lunch. We can't be bothered to change locations, so we order something to eat here at this restaurant. [player]What are your plans for the rest of today? [Hana Ninomiya]I was thinking of playing mahjong at a mahjong parlor. PLAYER, do you want to come with me? [player]Sure. Since it's possible that someone really is stalking Hana Ninomiya, I decide to go to the mahjong parlor with her instead of going home like I had planned. [Hana Ninomiya]I didn't ask anyone else to join me, so I was thinking of going to any mahjong parlor to fill in any empty spots they had. Is there a particular place you want to go? [player]It's usually busier on the weekends, so why don't we call and ask first? [Hana Ninomiya]I guess you're right. We take out our mobile phones and flip through our contacts. When I lower my head, I catch a glimpse of something flashing under the sun in the flower bed. After leaning over and rummaging through the flower bed, I pick up a kunai inside it... [Hana Ninomiya]Eh? Aren't you coming up? After arriving outside the mahjong parlor, I change my mind and tell Hana Ninomiya to play without me first. [player]When we left the restaurant, I found a clue about the stalker, so I want to stay down here and wait for a chance to catch her. [Hana Ninomiya]We're not even sure if that person would really follow us here. If you make such a big fuss, aren't you afraid they will run away? [player]I'll be able to catch her by surprise if I go outside now. She'll expose herself if she chooses to run away. [player]Anyway, you should go up first. Just leave the rest to me. [Hana Ninomiya]...Okay then. You be careful. After watching Hana Ninomiya go upstairs, I take a deep breath, face the street in front of me, and start searching for my target. The street is so quiet that other than an expensive-looking black sedan car that passed by, there aren't even animals passing through, let alone people. At first glance, it looks like nothing is suspicious, but...