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That depends on how you cook it.


[player]It doesn't really matter. As long as it tastes good, I'm okay with or without chili peppers. [Miki Nikaidou]Can I take it that you are actually quite okay with chili peppers? [player]Not too bad... I guess? [Miki Nikaidou]Hoho! Spicy is a type of pain, so if you can eat spicy food, your body will be able to withstand quite some pain. Just like this... She suddenly approached me, pinched my cheeks and pulled them to different sides. She then nodded at my painful face, turned around and walked back to the kitchen. What... just happened? Half An Hour Later I waited anxiously for half an hour before Miki Nikaidou took out her dishes one by one from the kitchen. [Miki Nikaidou]Based on your preferences, I have made a dinner that you will like! I carefully examined the many plates of charred substances of irregular shapes. Countless questions began to arise in my head. What went wrong? I tried to recall my previous answers to Nikaidou's questions. How was she able to interpret my preferences so wrong? Suddenly, I remembered Ichihime's panicked expression before she ran away. Now I understood why she said "run!" to me. Meanwhile, Miki Nikaidou picked up a black piece with chopsticks and placed it in my bowl. She smiled at me.