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Go to the café to take a break


Go to the café to take a break [player]Okay, let's have a cup of coffee to pick ourselves up. [Mai Aihara]Oh... Master, can you go there first? I just thought of a place Tubby might go to and want to ask around first. [player]I'll come with you. [Mai Aihara]It's okay! Master... place an order at the café first. It's just nearby, so I'll be back soon. Mai insists on going by herself, and I don't want to force her, so I head to Éternité by myself first. It would be a good idea to order a cup of her favorite black tea first so she can have it right after she comes back. [Reina Nanami]Welcome! The soft sound of a wind chime and Reina Nanami's gentle greeting welcome me at the same time. [Reina Nanami]Ah, it's you, PLAYER. Is it just you today? We happen to have a new product that will become available from tomorrow. Can you try it out for me? [player]Sure, but I'm with Mai at the moment. She'll be joining me later. [Reina Nanami]That's perfect! I'll have one more taster. This will be on the house. [???]Excuse me. I hear Mai's voice from behind me as I talk to Reina. She sure didn't exaggerate when she told me the place was nearby and that she would be back soon. [Mai Aihara]Sorry for making you wait, Master. I took a little longer because I bought some things along the way on my way back. I'm really sorry... [player]It's okay, you came really quickly, so don't worry about it. By the way, Reina, have you seen this cat? [Reina Nanami]Is this the cat of the Temple of Moons? I remember seeing him when I prayed at the shrine. Has he gone missing? [Mai Aihara]Yes, he disappeared this morning. I'm worried that he might get into an accident... [Reina Nanami]Cats all love to roam around everywhere. It's the same case for all the stray cats around the cafe. You won't see them usually, but they'll all come running when it is time for a meal. [Reina Nanami]Maybe Tubby will return home once it's time, so you don't need to be too worried. If he comes here, I'll let you know as soon as possible. Reina handed our drinks over as she spoke. The new coffee blend fills the mouth with a lavender-like aftertaste and seems to have a soothing effect. I look over at Mai. The steaming coffee seems to have eased her anxiety as she looks a lot more relaxed than she has been all afternoon. [Mai Aihara]Speaking of which, Master... am I worrying too much? [player]You just care about Tubby a lot. Like I said, you're a good owner. [Reina Nanami]Most cats have a mind of their own. They come quietly and leave quietly before you even realize it. They never care whether their owner will worry about them. [Reina Nanami]Miss Aihara, after Tubby comes back, remember to tell him that you are very worried about him. [Mai Aihara]B-but will Tubby understand? [Reina Nanami]Whether he understands isn't important. You need to let him feel that you worry about him and care about him. [Mai Aihara]Oh I see... Thank you, Reina, I'll try doing that. Yes... after I get back... I'll be a little mean to him and show him that I'm his owner. Reina and I both smiled after hearing that. Neither of us could imagine Mai being mean to anyone. [Reina Nanami]By the way, I just remembered that there's a nearby park where cats like to gather. Would you like to take a look there? [Reina Nanami]But Tubby might already have returned to the shrine by now. [Mai Aihara]What do you think, Master?