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Huff... The weather's nice. When the blazing heat of August has only just passed is the best time to climb mountains. The foothills are covered with people who seem to have had just the same idea as me. [Tourist A] Hey, look! Isn't that... [Tourist B] Huh? Oh?! It really is him... Two people nearby are staring at the man by my side as if seeing something incredible while muttering something in low voices. This seems to remind other passers-by, who also stop to watch. Some even fish out cameras and begin taking pictures. He hasn't done anything special to attract attention, and is only—like many others—warming up in preparation for climbing the mountain. But I have to say if there's one thing that can attract so much attention, of course, it's definitely his phenomenal physique. Biceps bulging like logs; sturdy pecs against which his shirt lay taut; a broad, strong and reassuring back; quads whose powerful curves could still be seen even under his loose clothing; and those calves that supported his nimble fleet. Strong but not intimidating, his natural, healthy physique makes him look far younger than his actual age, and full of vigor. He's just standing there, yet still manages to give everyone the impression of a classical sculpture. Onlookers can't help but gasp in admiration: Such a strong and powerful man! So strong, so powerful! [Joseph] Alright! Warm up, check! The reason for such attention is actually very simple. It's because he is Joseph, a celebrity and household name in One Han City. [Tourist A] Is he here to climb too? Never thought he would be interested in such an ordinary mountain. [Tourist B] Is he doing a show? Otherwise why would he come here? This mountain is way too easy for him. Many people present may share the same doubts and sentiments. After all, in the public perception, jungles, glaciers, and other remote, dangerous places seem to be more fitting for this explorer. But he really is only here to climb the mountain. We'd been chatting a few days ago, and he had invited me along for a workout... [player] ...Neck hurts. Back hurts. Playing back-to-back Hanchan games has made me feel pretty bad. [Nana Shiraishi] You're clearly not getting enough exercise, junior. Oh, I won with this tile, hee-hee. [player] Ah, I was busy complaining and didn't even notice that 4 Han with rounded up Fu scores. Ouch. [Joseph] Hahah! It takes a strong body to play Mahjong. Seeing as we have some good weather, why don't we get some exercise and go climb a mountain? [player] Mountain climbing...? I haven't been doing that for such a long time that it actually sounds like a great idea. But just to be sure, you do mean ordinary walking up the mountain, right? Not one of those extreme challenges like on your show? [Joseph] If you're interested in that, my friend, then we can always find a more unusual route to the summit! [player] No, no! No need! Thank you! Just a normal path is fine. It's just exercise, no need to put your life on the line... [Joseph] Finished your warm-up, friend? [player] More or less. Let's go... Yawn [Joseph] Hahaha! It's a nice breeze, but it makes people sleepy. [player] Th-that's for sure, haha... Sorry, Joseph. It's not the weather making me so tired. I just haven't been getting enough sleep. But what am I supposed to do... Elderian Ring is just too addictive! I'd barely slept all week because of the newly released game. If he hadn't called me in the morning, I would have completely forgotten all about our plan to go climbing. [Joseph] When we reach the summit, we'll find a patch of grass and have a nap while the wind blows all around us. After we wake up, we'll walk back down the mountain to have a good meal. And then, we will have ourselves an absolutely perfect day! [player] Perfect! Let's go, and we can think about what to have for dinner on the way. I splash some water on my face after warming up, and immediately feel a lot more awake. Joseph had rushed over to meet me right after a shoot, so it's a little rude of me to look so out of it while talking to him. Besides, I'm not the only one that didn't have enough sleep. I'm sure I'll be just as perky as him, once we get going. [player] Huff... Ah... Huff... Totally not what I expected... It isn't long before I'm puffing and panting away. Forget about being perky... I'm even feeling a little dizzy. [Joseph] How... Are... You...?! Joseph, in the lead, is still in fine spirits. So fine, in fact, that he's playing some kind of echo game with the mountains. I was too naive... We are simply not on the same level. He can walk for almost a full day without a rest. I can't believe I actually thought I'd be as energetic as he is. [Joseph] What say you to a break, friend? [player] Ye-yeah! We've been going a while, and I'm already a little tired... This is awkward. I check the time and cannot believe we've only been going for twenty minutes... Is it too soon to ask for a break? [player] If we keep going at this pace, how long do you think it'll be until we make it to the summit, Joseph? In that case...