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[player]Ah... It's a little hot today, but it's such a nice day for plants to soak up the sunlight.


[player]Ah... It's a little hot today, but it's such a nice day for plants to soak up the sunlight. After the midterm exams, the clubs of Asaha High School gradually resumed their activities one after another, and the gardening club Hana Ninomiya is in is no exception. To prepare for the exams, Hana Ninomiya has only been taking basic care of the plants during this time and has left all the remaining miscellaneous chores until this weekend. After hearing about this, I decide to come help her because I feel it'll be difficult for her to do everything alone. [Nana Shiraishi]Junior, have you already finished moving all the potted plants on that side? You're quite quick. Other than me, Nana Shiraishi, who likes to pay visits to various clubs, also volunteered to come and help. The thing is, I found out after starting that the club has more potted plants than I expected, so her help is really appreciated. [Nana Shiraishi]Where's Hana? Why isn't she here? [player]She said some tools have been damaged, so she's gone out to buy new ones. [Nana Shiraishi]I've finished moving everything on my side too. Let's rest for a while and wait for her to come back. Ah, I'm all sweaty now. [Hana Ninomiya]I'm back. While we chat, Hana Ninomiya returns with a plastic bag in her hands. She pulls a bottled drink out of the bag and hands it to Nana Shiraishi. [Hana Ninomiya]Thanks a lot, Nana. Have a drink. [Nana Shiraishi]Thanks, Hana! I'm so thirsty right now. [Hana Ninomiya]It's strange how you're thanking me even though you're the one helping me. [Nana Shiraishi]Oh, you're right. Um, it doesn't matter! These details aren't important anyway. By the way, Hana, you're not treating me like a friend! How can you ask someone who doesn't even go to our school for help first when you need manpower? [Hana Ninomiya]Well, you're always busy helping out at so many different clubs, so I thought it would be better to let you get some rest on the weekend. [Nana Shiraishi]Hmph! You're underestimating my stamina! The busier I am with activities, the more energetic I get! In fact, I'll probably go rusty if I laze around at home. I need to keep myself busy every day so that I can be a bright and beautiful high school girl for even longer! [player]I understand the theory, but you'll only buy yourself more time until you graduate from high school. [Nana Shiraishi]You don't get it. The important things are your temperament and spirit! Just like how a man will always be a child at heart, Nana Shiraishi will always be a high school girl! [Hana Ninomiya]Does that mean I'm the type of person who will get old really quickly? After all, I like to stay indoors... [Nana Shiraishi]No way! Hana, you definitely get enough exercise from taking care of so many potted plants alone. [Nana Shiraishi]But if you're worried, would you like to go jogging with me in the morning tomorrow? [Hana Ninomiya]Maybe not. I prefer to keep myself young by getting enough sleep every day. Although Hana Ninomiya always says she is an invisible person, there are still people who care about her and get along well with her. I feel relieved that she isn't especially lonely at school. [Hana Ninomiya]PLAYER, this bottle of water is for you. [player]I won't say thanks in case you say I'm strange too. [Hana Ninomiya]I won't object if you do thank me. [player]Wow... What's with the discrimination? Not only do you want me to thank you, but you didn't even say thanks to me like you did to Nana. I'm so hurt. [Hana Ninomiya]I've already expressed my thanks by giving you a drink. You even made such a troublesome promise, so today's matters are nothing compared to that. Such a troublesome promise? Oh, could she be referring to what I said about not letting her have a "lonely death"? [Nana Shiraishi]Sniff, sniff... I smell some gossip. [Nana Shiraishi]A troublesome promise, huh? Hey, is it just me, or do you seem a lot closer to our junior here recently? Is it because you two have a promise you can't share with anyone else? [Hana Ninomiya]I-It's not a big deal. You two should get some rest while I get to work. After speaking, Hana Ninomiya runs away to the potted plants in the distance with reddened ears. [Nana Shiraishi]Ah, she ran away! In that case, I'll need you, the only other person who knows what happened, to answer my question. [player]Do you think I'll tell you anything? [Nana Shiraishi]What?! You won't?! [player]What makes you think I will... [Nana Shiraishi]Our friendship, of course! Well, I'll share a piece of good news with you, my good friend - our school will be holding the school festival soon. [player]Oh, now that you mention it, the school festival really is almost upon us. Asaha High School holds its school festival after the midterm exams in the second half of the school year every year. They say it's so that students can relax and have fun, but it's also held for adult reasons like showing the school's culture to the outside world, so it is often very lively. [player]Based on your tone, is there something special about this year's school festival? [Nana Shiraishi]Hehe... Junior, aren't you at all curious about the theme of our class activity? [player]Since you're making it sound so mysterious, it would be rude not to ask. Can you please tell me the theme of your class activity, Nana-senpai? [Nana Shiraishi]You'll have to tell me the promise between you and Hana first. [player]Oh, then you don't need to tell me. I'll ask Ninomiya about it. [Nana Shiraishi]Eh! No, don't ask her! Come over here. Nana Shiraishi quickly drags me back to my original position after seeing me starting to get up, then she looks at where Hana Ninomiya is. [Nana Shiraishi]We'll be performing a stage play this time, and the original work our script is based on is a novel called "The House of Music." Have you heard of it before? [player]It sounds familiar. What about it? Since you stopped me from asking Ninomiya about it... will she be performing on stage? [Nana Shiraishi]The registration time for performers will be at our class meeting in two weeks. After all, we need to apply for a venue and wait for the student council to approve our application. [Nana Shiraishi]Before all that happens, I want to ask you to find out if Hana is interested. If she is, please persuade her to register. [player]I can do that, but why get me to do it? Isn't it faster and more efficient if you talk to her directly? [Nana Shiraishi]Well, I asked her, and she said she doesn't intend to perform. [Nana Shiraishi]That's what she said, but I clearly saw her eyes light up when I announced the name of the stage play. And when she noticed that I was looking at her, she turned around and pretended to be admiring the scenery. Her reaction is super suspicious. [Nana Shiraishi]What's more, she has been reading the novel the stage play is based on from time to time recently, so I've been wondering if she has started to change her mind and just hasn't made a decision yet. Maybe she'll be willing to go on stage if you encourage her! [player]...Okay, I'll ask her afterwards. Liking the original work is one thing, but performing on stage is another. Although I want to say that, if Hana Ninomiya really does want to perform, it would be a shame if she misses out on this opportunity. Maybe she really will make up her mind to perform if someone encourages her. [Nana Shiraishi]I'll leave it to you then, but you need to be quick. If Hana hasn't made up her mind by the day the registrations start, she might not be able to play the role of the character she likes. [Nana Shiraishi]I need to help out at some other clubs now, and I've already told Hana. If I finish up early over there, I'll come back later to help you move the potted plants back. [player]Sure, see you later. Nana Shiraishi Hana, I'll be going now! Hana Ninomiya raises her head and waves goodbye in response to Nana Shiraishi's words. Now that Hana Ninomiya and I are the only two people left in the courtyard, I'll have a chat with her about participating in the stage play while we work. After resting for a while, I walk over to Hana Ninomiya and see her moving a potted plant toward the club classroom. [player]Is it already time to move the potted plants back inside? [Hana Ninomiya]Just this one. It's really sunny today, and this moth orchid can't be exposed to too much sunlight, so I'm moving it to another place. [player]Oh! Are there any other plants that need to be moved? [Hana Ninomiya]Move the pot of red Rieger begonia next to your right foot here for me too. That one also can't be exposed to too much sunlight, and it was watered not too long ago, so it might get in the way when it's time to water all the potted plants together later. [player]Don't people say that it's better to water plants every day in summer? [Hana Ninomiya]It's very easy for the roots of Rieger begonias to rot if they are watered too often. Three times a week is about right in summer. [player]I see... Under Hana Ninomiya's guidance, I water and fertilize the potted plants in an orderly manner. During the process, I notice that many plants in the gardening club need to be cared for in particular ways. Moreover, Ninomiya actually remembers the key points for caring for each plant. [player]You're like a moving plant encyclopedia. I would be so flustered if I had to take care of so many plants. [Hana Ninomiya]I've just gained experience naturally after taking care of them for so long. These flowers are blooming so well now, but you have no idea how many of them I've killed up until now. [Hana Ninomiya]I have a good memory, but it's completely different when you actually need to put what you know into practice. Isn't there a saying along the lines of "knowing is one thing, and doing is another"? [player]Even so, it's amazing that you can take care of so many potted plants by yourself. Why don't you choose some varieties that are easier to care for? It'll make your work easier. [Hana Ninomiya]It's a lot of work to take care of them, but you get such a great sense of accomplishment when you see humble seeds bloom into gorgeous flowers, right? Club activities would be so boring if I just fertilize and water plants mechanically. [player]Haha, good point. A bright and beautiful high school girl needs to experience some challenges and troubles in everyday life to become more energetic. Humble seeds bloom into gorgeous flower... Isn't that a good description of Hana Ninomiya right now? Her magnificence at the mahjong table makes her no less gorgeous than these flowers. If she gets the chance to act in a stage play she likes, maybe she will also shine as brightly as she does when playing mahjong. When I think of this, I get more excited about seeing Hana Ninomiya perform on stage. [Hana Ninomiya]We can start moving the potted plants back after another half an hour. Thanks for the hard work. I'll read a book while I rest now. PLAYER, you can go first if you have something to do. I can move them slowly by myself. Hana Ninomiya pulls out a book from her bag and sits on a stone chair. I glance at the cover and see that this book is "The House of Music", which Nana Shiraishi mentioned. [player]Nana told me that your class will be performing a stage play for the school festival. [Hana Ninomiya]Yeah. If you want to watch it, PLAYER, I can get you a good seat on the day. [player]Thanks in advance. By the way, is the book you're holding the original work the stage play's script is based on? [Hana Ninomiya]Yes. It's a story with a happy atmosphere, and it's quite suitable for a stage play performance during the school festival. [player]I see. About this stage play... [Hana Ninomiya]I won't be taking part in it. [player]Eh? I-I haven't said anything yet. [Hana Ninomiya]Didn't Nana ask you to persuade me to participate in the stage play? [player]...Is it that obvious? [Hana Ninomiya]Nana kept looking in my direction when she was talking to you over there, and now you're asking me about the stage play. Well, isn't it obvious then? As Jane would say, "this is just a reasonable inference based on the evidence at hand." [player]As expected of an informant of a great detective. I can't hide the truth from you. It's not often that you get to act in a stage play you like. Ninomiya, don't you want to perform on stage? [Hana Ninomiya]Liking the original work is one thing, but wanting to perform on stage is another. That's what I thought earlier too... Just as I decide to tell Nana Shiraishi later that she's thinking too much, the words Hana Ninomiya whispers under her breath change my mind. Hana Ninomiya Why waste time on something that is impossible... I recall that Hana Ninomiya once performed in a stage play when she was in elementary school. At that time, she signed up to play the part of the female lead but failed to get the part. Is she still feeling sad about that failure? [player]Will you really not register for a part? The fact that Nana and I are both trying to persuade you shows that we think you can do it. Go give it a try. [Hana Ninomiya]Thanks for believing in me, but I don't believe in myself. Anyway, let's not talk about this. I know the outcome better than anyone else. [player]Okay then... But it isn't like you at all to give up just like that without trying. [Hana Ninomiya]...There's something I need to do, so I need to go now. You should go too. I'll come back later to move the potted plants, so you don't need to worry about them. [player]Huh? So suddenly? W-Wait up! Ninomiya! Hana Ninomiya suddenly makes a sullen expression while we are chatting and leaves without looking back. She doesn't stop no matter what I shout out behind her. [player]I... Did I say something that made her angry? I wait for a while, but Hana Ninomiya doesn't come back, so I can only go home first. After returning home, I call Nana Shiraishi and tell her about the unhappy conclusion to my conversation with Hana Ninomiya in the afternoon. [Nana Shiraishi]So something like that happened. I was wondering why you left Hana all alone there. [Nana Shiraishi]I'm sorry! It's my fault that Hana is unhappy with you now. I'll buy you a drink another day. [player]Don't say that. I'll also apologize to her properly later on. [Nana Shiraishi]I guess so. Hana isn't a petty person. I'm sure you'll be able to reconcile if you explain things to her. [Nana Shiraishi]But I just don't get it. Hana keeps saying that she wants to make herself more noticeable, so isn't this stage play a good chance to do that? Why won't she give it a go? [Nana Shiraishi]And based on what you said about the afternoon, I get the feeling that Hana isn't simply unwilling to take part in the stage play. It sounds like she is resisting it emotionally. [player]I got the same feeling too. She is really negative about this. Maybe there's something other than her failure to get the part of the female lead that we don't know about. If we can solve this problem... maybe she will be willing to go on stage. [Nana Shiraishi]Of course, this is just a speculation. [Nana Shiraishi]...Okay, coming! My little brother wants me to teach him how to do his homework, so I'll hang up now. [player]Sure, good night. Nana Shiraishi's energetic voice disappears after the phone call ends. My room becomes quiet again, but I can't seem to calm down. [player]I just can't stop thinking about it... Is it true that Ninomiya doesn't want to try again after just one failed attempt? [player]Is there anyone who knows Hana Ninomiya well who can give me some advice? After thinking about it for a while, I decide to call Jane, who often asks Hana Ninomiya to help her with detective work, to see if this great detective can deduce anything.