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The temperature becomes comfortable after the rain continues to fall in autumn


The temperature becomes comfortable after the rain continues to fall in autumn. After hiding in an air-conditioned room for a whole summer, I'm finally able to go out and get some fresh air. I can't wait to ask Sora to go somewhere to relax together. However... I didn't expect that so many people would have the same idea as me! The commercial strip is crowded with people. After great lengths, Sora Ichinose and I finally manage to escape from the crowd. We lean against the wall and take a few deep breaths. The joy we felt when we went out is gone without a trace. [player]I once had the opportunity to spend a leisurely weekend, but I didn't cherish it and only regretted it after it was too late. If I get to choose again, I will definitely choose not to go out! [Sora Ichinose]A celebration is being held on this part of the commercial strip recently. I thought you came here specially to take part in the fun. [player]I don't have the hobby of being squeezed into a can of sardines... If I knew about this celebration, I would have gone to Mahjong Soul Shrine to play mahjong with Ichihime and the others. I look around me. The last hope in my heart is wiped out by the crowds of people around me. I sigh with resignation and take Sora into a boba shop that is less crowded in comparison. [player]Depending on the situation, we might have to stay here for a while and plan our afternoon itinerary. Hmm... would you like something to drink? I check the drink menu carefully and nudge the boy beside me with my elbow. I've known about Sora's physical condition for a long time and know that there are many foods he needs to avoid, so I decide to ask him before ordering. However, Sora still hasn't responded by the time there are only two or three people left in the queue at the front. I turn around, all puzzled, and see him staring blankly at a promotional poster on the wall. [player]Is that an escape room? Haha, I didn't expect to see the poster of this place in a boba shop. [Sora Ichinose]PLAYER, you know about this escape room? [player]This place used to be an immersive performance theater that opens every year around Halloween. Tickets for their "The Heart of Samuel" were so hard to come by, and I even watched it with Mai. The owner once mentioned to me that they were preparing to create other immersive experiences at times other than Halloween to make money to pay for the venue's rent, but I didn't expect them to build an escape room in the end. [player]Radio, subway station billboards, in-store posters, and leaflets handed out on the street… ads promoting this escape room have been everywhere in the past week. With all those promotions and the good reviews the theater has accumulated over the years, the place has become really popular. I look through the stack of leaflets I received on the road just now. Sure enough, I found one with the same style as the poster. [Sora Ichinose]"The Butterfly Effect", "Crazy Thursday", "Shrine of Another World", "Brokeback Notebook", "Enticing Stories About Werewolves and Vampires"...? Sora takes the leaflet and reads out the names printed on it one by one. Seeing that we are digressing in a rather "strange" direction, I interrupt him immediately to protect the mental health of this minor. [player]Ahem, the names of the escape rooms aren't important. According to the reviews on the Internet, "Shrine of Another World" is currently the most popular escape room. Some people say that this is the most fun escape room in One Han City. [player]Young people love this type of game, so this store is attractive to both puzzle-solving enthusiasts and many customers who mainly want to make friends. [Sora Ichinose]Sounds great. Sora's interest in the escape rooms is completely undisguised, so I thought he would immediately agree to my proposal. But to my surprise, he didn't agree immediately. [Sora Ichinose]But... We need at least four people to play these escape rooms. We're missing two people. [player]Is that what you're worried about? I'll call some people and ask if they're interested. We should be able to find someone to play with us in no time. [Sora Ichinose]Ask... who? [player]Family, friends, mahjong friends—you can call whoever you want. It's the weekend today, so there should be many people who want to go out and relax. My excitement for the escape room sweeps away my feelings of frustration. I immediately take out my mobile phone and start calling people. At the same time, I don't forget to pat Sora on the shoulder to indicate that he should also contact his friends. It turns out that reality is very different from my expectations. Everyone is very enthusiastic about the weekend, and everyone I invited told me they had already made arrangements. To think I even need to "reserve" my friends in advance to meet them on the weekend... I hang up the phone after getting rejected again. When I turn around, I see Sora leaning against the wall in a daze. He twists and rotates the Rubik's Cube on his mobile phone pendant in his hand, which is what Sora usually does when he is sad. [player]Joseph and Kana still have work to do for their company. Hinata said the café is so busy with customers that she doesn't feel right about asking for leave, and Usumi didn't even answer the phone, probably hiding somewhere because he did something to make the vice president angry again... [Sora Ichinose]Big sis said she needs to buy groceries with mom and doesn't have any time to play an escape room with us. [player]We were careless. I never expected our escape room adventure to end before it even started. I'm a little annoyed because our plan keeps getting interrupted for various reasons. After confirming that there's no one I can invite on my contact list, I look at Sora because I'm unwilling to just go home like this. [player]Maybe I have a way to find some companions. [Sora Ichinose]What is it?