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What a great question to highlight the importance of sugar!


[player]White sugar, of course! [Miki Nikaidou]Eating too much sugar is bad for your teeth! [player]I'm not a kid anymore! Well, it's mainly because tomatoes are too sour. If you don't want to add sugar, at least use some sweeter tomato sauce! [Miki Nikaidou]But if I do that... Can I still call this dish stir-fried tomato with eggs? It's more like stir-fried eggs with sugar... Miki Nikaidou looked down and thought for a while. She seemed to have found a new question and looked up at me again. [Miki Nikaidou]If you don't like the sour taste of tomatoes, how about I just cook you fried eggs instead. Why did we suddenly start to discuss whether or not to keep tomatoes at all? Did she just misunderstand my obsession with sugar? [player]I don't... [Miki Nikaidou]A similar question also applies to fried eggs. Should I add sugar or salt to them?