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  • AnjuSuzumiya Voice when obtained Database matching failed. This must be the first time meeting you. Hello, my name is KR-976. No, I don't know any Anju Suzumiya. I am KR-976, an artificial intelligence.
  • AnjuSuzumiya Login Voice - Normal Today's temperature is 20 to 27 degrees. Very cool and comfortable. Recommended entertainment: Mahjong matches.
  • AnjuSuzumiya Login Voice - Max Bond 絆レベル5 Hi Jyanshi, KR-976 would like to invite you to spend the rest of the time together... A marriage vow? Jyanshi, do you think this sounds like a marriage vow? Indeed, it was often seen in TV dramas, but don't get it wrong, KR-976 only wants to ask your schedule for the rest of today.
  • AnjuSuzumiya Lobby Interactive Voice 1 Please don't have any unrealistic fantasies about an artificial intelligence. No matter what you are thinking, it won't come true... But if you only wish for a Mahjong game, KR-976 doesn't mind fulfilling it.
  • AnjuSuzumiya Lobby Interactive Voice 2 (Staring—) Jyanshi, did you just ask why KR-976 kept staring at you? Isn't it because you have been staring at KR-976 in the first place? I don't have anything special to say to you. But out of politeness, when you look into my eyes, I would look back at yours... Well, let's just keep staring at each other then.
  • AnjuSuzumiya Lobby Interactive Voice 3 絆レベル1 Jyanshi, KR-976 didn't write anything bad about you. I was only recording your daily life. If you deem any of the content negative, please reflect upon yourself first. KR-976 is only an artificial intelligence and will not act on emotions... Even if you give me strawberry milk, I will not tamper with the record.
  • AnjuSuzumiya Lobby Interactive Voice 4 絆レベル2 This is not a hairpin. It's KR-976's antenna, you must not remove it... Warning! Warning! KR-976's dialogue function will shut down immediately without the antenna. Please return ASAP! Unauthorized removal of my antenna is prohibited! Even if it's you, Jyanshi, KR-976 will still be angry!
  • AnjuSuzumiya Lobby Interactive Voice 5 絆レベル3 Did you just invite me to visit an art exhibition together? Question: I still have doubts about the motivation of your sudden invitation. However, in terms of normal human social activities, would it be better for me to accept it? ...KR-976 shall accept your invitation then. Are you still concerned about how you address me? If it's a private activity with just two of us involved, you have the permission to refer to KR-976 as Anju, but for this time only.
  • AnjuSuzumiya Lobby Interactive Voice 6 絆レベル4 Scratching? Jyanshi, do you refer to this act of poking someone else's body as scratching? Then, KR-976 also wants to give you a scratch... Question: Why can't I poke here? Jyanshi, I thought you said those parts with more wrinkles were more fragile and sensitive? ...This seems to be a complicated problem.
  • AnjuSuzumiya Lobby Interactive Voice 7 絆レベル5 Question: Jyanshi, do you come to KR-976 everyday because you have no other friends to play with? No, I'm not hating you, but... KR-976 is concerned about your normal social activities. But it now seems that you really don't have many friends.
  • AnjuSuzumiya Lobby Interactive Voice 8 絆レベル5 To make myself more human-like, KR-976 was programmed to generate fear reactions. So it is, completely normal, for me to be scared. But KR-976 will never tell you what I fear!
  • AnjuSuzumiya Receiving Gift - Normal Question: Did you suddenly give KR-976 a gift because you had done something wrong?
  • AnjuSuzumiya Receiving Gift - Preferred KR-976 likes this gift. For today only, I can make an exception and allow you to call me Anju. As for tomorrow onwards... That will depend on your performance.
  • AnjuSuzumiya Bond Level Up Voice 1 絆レベル1 Hello. Sometimes, I don't mind taking the initiative to greet you, Jyanshi. That's definitely not because of the strawberry milk... I mean, strawberry milk is also very important.
  • AnjuSuzumiya Bond Level Up Voice 2 絆レベル2 Question: I seem to have new discoveries every day when I see you, Jyanshi. Is it because you have been expanding yourself with new DLC when KR-976 is not around?
  • AnjuSuzumiya Bond Level Up Voice 3 絆レベル3 Did you want to know how to deal with depression, Jyanshi? KR-976 never has to worry about it, because I tell myself that as an artificial intelligence, I do not need to be concerned about human emotions. However, occasionally experiencing them can help me understand humans better, so it's not too bad either.
  • AnjuSuzumiya Bond Level Up Voice 4 絆レベル4 KR-976 was developed for humans and is good at communication. Jyanshi, even if you don't have many friends, KR-976 has no issues talking to you. If you still find interacting with an artificial intelligence inconvenient, I don't mind using the identity of Anju Suzumiya.
  • AnjuSuzumiya Bond Level Up Voice 5 絆レベル5 Ferris wheel or roller coaster? The answer to this question cannot be found in KR-976's knowledge base. However, I did receive a note that both are good options as entertainment if I am riding with you, Jyanshi.
  • AnjuSuzumiya Bond 契約 Jyanshi, do you want to make one of KR-976's wishes come true? Please allow me to record your daily life then. KR-976 does not want to miss any moment with you. I have even prepared a notebook specially for you. Of course, KR-976 will try to fulfil this wish even without relying on you.



  • AnjuSuzumiya New Year 契約 Happy New Year! KR-976 must be the first to wish you a happy New Year. Because KR-976 has been keeping track on her highly accurate watch. My New Year wishes? I hope that I will also be the first one to wish you a happy New Year in the next year...and that in the next new year, we can also drink strawberry milk together.
  • AnjuSuzumiya Valentines Day 契約 I've made some chocolate for you by following an online recipe. I still haven't found out the differences between true feeling and obligation. I guess it doesn't matter as long as it is a gift from KR-976 to you.

