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RiuKujou's Story

物語 エンディング Body アイテム 絆レベル
Playing Maid メイドごっこ

"Once upon a time, a golden-haired lady and a red-haired maid grew up together in One Han City and did everything together. Although they were master and servant, they got along extremely well until... they both fell in love and drifted apart after starting their own families..."... more

Chiori Mikami 三上千織

"Miss Chiori, I'm so happy to meet you!"
"Hmm, even though mom says that the simplest greetings are usually the sincerest, would this be too simple? Should I try to say something more eloquent? After all, this is my first time meeting her..."
The childish... more

Wish of an 18-Year-Old 十八歳の願いごと

"Good night, Miss Chiori." "Good night, Riu."
Eight years have passed since Riu Kujou came to Chiori Mikami's house. On this day, after she puts Chiori Mikami to sleep like usual, she returns to her room and reveals a hidden trace of exhaustion.
"Sigh,... more

The Omnipotent Maid 全能のメイドさん End1.刮目して見よ

* Agree with her idea to continue cleaning outside the mahjong room.
* Choose Mr. Makiki's Longjing tea

Sphere of Love 絆レベル4
全能のメイドさん End2.綺麗な仕上げ

* Agree with her idea to continue cleaning outside the mahjong room.
* Choose Riu Kujou's Da Hong Pao milk tea

コイン6000 絆レベル4
全能のメイドさん End3.任務のみをこなす

* Console her by telling her that she's already done a good job.

コイン4000 絆レベル4
Interview with the Maid メイドさんとインタビュー End4.Win-winなインタビュー

* Suggest filming another part first
* Keep filming Riu Kujou

Moonlight Lucky Bag 絆レベル5
メイドさんとインタビュー End5.使えない素材

* Suggest filming another part first
* Play mahjong

コイン6000 絆レベル5
メイドさんとインタビュー End6.早々に終わる撮影

* Insist on trying a few more times because practice makes perfect

コイン4000 絆レベル5
The Maid, Sickly メイドさん、倒れる End7.心のよりどころ

* Milk tea OR Salted black tea
* Riu, you need to rest properly when you're sick. You can't overcome it by just enduring it.
* Wake her to eat

Summon Scroll 契約
メイドさん、倒れる End8.言葉はいらない

* Milk tea OR Salted black tea
* Riu, you need to rest properly when you're sick. You can't overcome it by just enduring it.
* Let her continue to sleep

Sphere of Light 契約
メイドさん、倒れる End9.休みの代償

* Milk tea OR Salted black tea
* Persuade her to rest by reminding her that Chiori Mikami told her to

Sunshine Lucky Bag 契約