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Follow her


[player]...I might as well follow her. Although Sara once said that we don't need to worry about Little Miaow as she always returns after walking off, I still feel a little worried since we're in the open. I borrow a flashlight and follow Little Miaow, who passes through the woods and climbs up a nearby hill. At the highest point of the hill, Little Miaow curls her limbs and lies on the ground, her eyes staring straight ahead as her tail flicks around from time to time. [player]So you've come here to enjoy the breeze and the scenery, huh? You're in good spirits. [player]... I'm afraid that Sara won't be able to find me when she returns if I leave suddenly, so I send her a message telling her what's happened. After that, I plan to stay there with Little Miaow and enjoy the scenery until she decides to go back. It's possible to get a panoramic view of the camp from here. I can hear laughter faintly from such a distance, and the bonfire seems to be burning more vigorously than before... [player]...Hmm? I rub my eyes. While in a daze, the things I see and hear slowly overlap in my head... [player]Little Miaow, can you wait for me obediently here for a while? [Little Miaow]Meow? [player]The scenery is so nice here. I want to ask your owner to come and enjoy it with us. I return to the camp, get some drinks from Sara, and return to the hill where I was earlier. [Little Miaow]Meow. [Sara]Oh, are you welcoming me, Little Miaow? Customer, is this the place you mentioned that has great scenery? [player]Yes, Sara, look down from here. I point in the direction of the camp and wait anxiously, wondering if Sara will see the same thing I did... [Sara]... [Little Miaow]... [Sara]Oh, it really is... blooming magnificently. [player]Can you see it? [Sara]Yes, I can see it very clearly. A "desert rose" is blooming wildly like flames in the wild, just like what my mother described. Yes! I shout in my mind. Sara understood what I was thinking! [Sara]Did you come here especially to find this place for me? [player]It was just a stroke of luck. I came here when I was accompanying Little Miaow who was walking around and had some thoughts when I saw the camp... Sara, you said you might never find your homeland, but I think your homeland may always be somewhere around you. Outsiders are wandering all the time. They live on the road, and their journey represents their entire life. To such people, maybe homeland doesn't really exist in a traditional sense. [player]I believe desert roses can be in full bloom in more than one place. However, you might not be surrounded by your people who are singing and dancing together or the bonfires that are like blooming desert roses everywhere. The scenery of their hometown is different in the memories of each "outsider." The only thing in common is how your people accompany each other. [Sara]...Hehe, that does seem to be true. Sara pours a drink into a glass cup and holds it in front of her. The flames of the campfire dance in the clear liquid. [Sara]This "desert rose" is so beautiful. [player]Yeah. [Sara]Cheers! [player]Cheers! Sara and I quietly admire the scenery of her "homeland" as the evening breeze caresses our cheeks. Neither of us speaks. At our feet, Little Miaow stretches and falls asleep...