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Han: 1 Han
Han Title Body Jade
1 Han 赤ドラ
Red 5-Man, Red 5-Pin, Red 5-Sou
1 Han 立直
Win a hand after you declared Riichi; You may declare Riichi when you achieve Tenpai (ready hand) at Menzenchin (closed hand)
1 Han ドラ
The next tile immediately after the flipped Dora Indicator Tile
1 Han 役牌:三元牌(ハク・ハツ・チュン)
Win a hand with a Triplet of Dragon Tile (White, Green or Red)
1 Han 門前清自摸和
Win a hand by Tsumo (drawing the winning tile) at Menzenchin (closed hand)
1 Han 断幺九
Win a hand without any Terminal Tiles (1-Man/9-Man, 1-Pin/9-Pin, 1-Sou/9-Sou, Wind Tiles, and Dragon Tiles)
1 Han 平和
Win a hand with four Sequences and one non-Yakuhai Pair, plus the potential winning tiles must be tiles from both side of a Sequence,
1 Han 一発
Win a hand within 1 turn after declaring Riichi, in addition, draws/discards must not be interrupted by tile calls during that turn
1 Han 役牌:自風牌(トン・ナン・シャー・ペー)
Win a hand with a Triplet of Player Wind
1 Han 役牌:場風牌(トン・ナン・シャー・ペー)
Win a hand with a Triplet of Round Wind
1 Han 一盃口
Win a hand with two identical Sequences
1 Han 河底撈魚
FWin a hand by calling Ron (declare winning) on the last discarded tile
1 Han 海底摸月
Win a hand by Tsumo (drawing the winning tile) with the last tile drawn from the Wall
1 Han 嶺上開花
Win a hand with the tile drawn from the Dead Wall after immediately calling a Kan
1 Han 槍槓
Call a Ron (declare winning) on another player's Kan (when you have a Tenpai for Thirteen Orphans,you can call on a closed kan)
1 Han 抜きドラ
In 3-Player Mahjong, North Wind can be considered as a Dora after “Kita” is called (does not count as a Dora if North Wind remains in hand)
1 Han ローカル役:燕返し
Call a Ron on the first tile discarded by another player to declare Riichi
1 Han ローカル役:槓振り
Call a Ron on a tile discarded by another player who just called Kan
1 Han ローカル役:十二落抬
Win a hand by Tsumo or Ron with 4 open Chii, Pon, or Kan
Han: 2 Han
Han Title Body Jade
2 Han 三色同順
Win a hand with three Sequences with the same numbers out of three different Number Tiles (i.e. 123-Man, 123-Pin, 123-Sou)
2 Han 七対子
Win a hand with seven different Pairs
2 Han 対々和
Win a hand with four Triplets or Quads
2 Han 一気通貫
Win a hand with a complete Sequence of 1 through 9 (i.e. 123-Man, 456-Man, 789-Man)
2 Han 混全帯幺九
Win a hand where every Sequence, Triplet and Pair contains at least one Terminal Tile
2 Han 三暗刻
Win a hand with three closed Triplets or closed Quads
2 Han ダブル立直
Declare Riichi with your starting hand before any tiles are called
2 Han 小三元
Win a hand with two Triplets out of the Dragon Tiles (White, Green or Red), plus a Pair of the third Dragon Tile
2 Han 混老頭
Win a hand with only Terminal Tiles (1-Man/9-Man, 1-Pin/9-Pin, 1-Sou/9-Sou, Wind Tiles, and Dragon Tiles)
2 Han 三色同刻
Win a hand with three Triplets with the same number out of the Number Tiles (Man, Pin, Sou)
2 Han 三槓子
Win a hand with three Quads
2 Han ローカル役:五門斉
Win a hand consists of Man, Pin, Sou, Wind, and Dragon tiles
2 Han ローカル役:三連刻
Win a hand with 3 consecutive Triplets
Han: 3 Han
Han Title Body Jade
3 Han 混一色
Win a hand with tiles from only one of the three Number Tiles (Man, Pin or Sou) and HonorTiles (Wind Tiles and Dragon Tiles)
3 Han 純全帯幺九
Win a hand with every Sequence, Triplet and Pair contains at least one 1 and 9 out of the Number Tiles (1-Man/9-Man, 1-Pin/9-Pin, 1-Sou/9-Sou)
3 Han 二盃口
Win a hand with two sets two identical Sequences
3 Han ローカル役:一色三順
Win a hand with three identical Sequences
Han: 5 Han
Han Title Body Jade
5 Han ローカル役:一筒摸月
Win a hand by Tsumo (drawing the winning tile) with the last tile drawn from the Wall, and that tile must be 1-Pin(5 Han)
5 Han ローカル役:九筒撈魚
Call a Ron on the last tile drawn from the Wall, and that tile must be 9-Pin(5 Han)
Han: 6 Han
Han Title Body Jade
6 Han 清一色
Win a hand with tiles from only one of the three Number Tiles (Man, Pin or Sou)
Han: Mangan
Han Title Body Jade
Mangan 流し満貫
Win a game with all your discarded tiles being Terminal Tiles, and no one has called them
Han: Yakuman
Han Title Body Jade
Yakuman 四暗刻
Win a hand with four closed Triplets
Yakuman 国士無双
PWin a hand with one of each 13 Terminal Tiles, plus any tile matches one of them
Yakuman 大三元
Win a hand with three Triplets or Quads of all the three Dragon Tiles
Yakuman 小四喜
Win a hand with three Triplets or Quads of the Wind Tiles, plus a pair of the fourth wind
Yakuman 字一色
Win a hand with four Triplets and a Pair of the Honor Tiles (Wind Tiles and Dragon Tiles)
Yakuman 緑一色
Win a hand with only green-colored tiles: 2-Sou/3-Sou/4-Sou/6-Sou/8-Sou and/or Green
Yakuman 地和
Win a hand by Tsumo as a non-dealer in the first turn before any tiles are called
Yakuman 清老頭
Win a hand with four Triplets and a Pair of 1 and 9 out of the Number Tiles (1-Man/9-Man, 1-Pin/9-Pin, 1-Sou/9-Sou)
Yakuman 九蓮宝燈
Win a hand with tiles from only one of the three Number Tiles in the order of "1112345678999", plus any tile matches one of them
Yakuman 天和
Win a hand by Tsumo as a dealer in the first turn with the first draw
Yakuman 四槓子
Win a hand with four Quads
Yakuman ローカル役:人和
Call a Ron as a non-dealer in the first turn you draw a tile and before any tiles are called
Yakuman ローカル役:大車輪
Win a hand with 7 Pairs consist of 2-Pin to 8-Pin
Yakuman ローカル役:大竹林
with 7 Pairs consist of 2-Sou to 8-Sou
Yakuman ローカル役:大数隣
Win a hand with 7 Pairs consist of 2-Man to 8-Man
Yakuman ローカル役:石の上にも三年
Win a hand with Double Riichi as well as Under the Sea/River
Han: ダブル役満
Han Title Body Jade
ダブル役満 四暗刻単騎
Achieve Tenpai with four Closed Triplets already drawn (i.e. waiting for one remaining tile to form a Pair)
ダブル役満 国士無双十三面待ち
Achieve Tenpai with 13 different Terminal Tiles already drawn (i.e. waiting for 1 out of 13 possible tiles to win)
ダブル役満 大四喜
Win a hand with four Triplets or Quads of the Wind Tiles
ダブル役満 純正九蓮宝燈
Achieve Tenpai with tiles from only one of the three Number Tiles in the order of “1112345678999” (i.e. waiting for 1 out of 9 possible tiles to win)
ダブル役満 ローカル役:大七星
Win a hand with 7 Pairs consist of only Word tiles
Han: Draw
Han Title Body Jade
Draw 四家立直 The game becomes a draw when all players have declared Riichi
Draw 四風連打
The game becomes a draw when each player discards the same Wind Tile in the first turn
Draw 四槓散了
The game becomes a draw when two or more players called for a total of four Quads
Draw 九種九牌
Nine Different Terminals and Honors