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Receiving Gift - Preferred

Receiving Gift - Preferredの音声

Displaying 1 - 92 of 92
  • Ichihime A gift? Is it something yummy?
  • MikiNikaidou As long as it’s from you, I love it.
  • KanaFujita Wow! ~~~~~~~This is great!!!!!! Thank you!
  • ChioriMikami You have a good taste in gifts. But that doesn’t mean Chiori will like you.
  • MaiAihara Thanks for taking your time to pick me a gift. I love it.
  • Nadeshiko Hmm? You have a good taste!
  • YuiYagi ...I want it, thanks.
  • RiuKujou Oh! This is pretty good! Thanks!
  • Xenia Ah! You have a good taste, I like it!
  • Kaavi That’s such a nice gift. You are an angel!
  • NatsukiShinomiya Wow! This, this is it! I've wanted it for a long time!
  • Wanjirou I know you know me the best, AIBO!
  • SoraIchinose Wow, what's this... I will take good care of it!
  • HidekiAkechi Wow... So you do remember what I like. I will take good care of it.
  • Keikumusume Is this a gift for me? What's your intention? Are you trying to exchange this for my sister? Of course not!
  • Sara Wow, this gift is really... I can't thank you enough... Looks like a performance in return is a must, hehe...
  • HanaNinomiya ...No, I'm not upset. Actually, I like it, it's just that I didn't expect you to know that I like it... I'm very happy!
  • NanaShiraishi Wow, I'm surprised! How do you know that I like this? You did some homework, I see... Thanks, you're a good kid!
  • HinataTakanashi I don't know how to thank you for this fantastic gift... Oh, right! Please let me take a great photo for you in exchange!
  • HarunaIgarashi An ice pop?! Is it for me? Thank you! Ok... Here you go, let’s have one half each. Ice pops taste better when shared.
  • AnjuSuzumiya KR-976 likes this gift. For today only, I can make an exception and allow you to call me Anju. As for tomorrow onwards... That will depend on your performance.
  • Joseph Oh, that's an awesome surprise! Guess I must give you something proper in return. Hahaha, just tell me what you want. Anything.
  • OsamuSaitou I hardly see you putting in so much effort. While I will feel better if you put this effort in work, today you can have a day off. Not because of the gift itself, but because I can feel your heart in it.
  • SawakoKitami I knew you were a special one.
  • Ein Ah, that's so good! Thanks for your delicious food. Please take this necklace in return. What's with the fang on it? Hehe, that's mine.
  • MomoHina Thanks for such a great present. Mom said I must give you something in return, otherwise I wouldn't be a good kid anymore and could not go to the wonderland.
  • ZanTsukimi Looks like I'm getting old. Can't even hide my hobby in front of you, haha!
  • KiraraFujimoto Um... It's not that I'm unhappy. In fact, I'm super happy. But for such an expensive gift, I must give something in return, so I'm just thinking hard in my head, hehe.
  • Kaguyahime Oho! That's a lot better. Seems you have learned a lot. Don't be too proud though, keep bringing me better things. Uhehe!
  • RenKisaragi Knowing you was the best thing that ever happened to me. Anything from you is great.
  • UsumiIshihara It doesn't matter what you give to me. Getting a present from you is already enough to make my day!
  • Eliisa Well… Hmm… Liisa Liisa likes it very much. But does taking it mean that Liisa Liisa will get devoured by Mr. Wolf?
  • ChihoriTerasaki Looks like we've been keeping an eye on each other. Now you've discovered my little secret!
  • SakiMiyanaga What a great gift. Can I really have it? Wow, I feel so lucky today. Thank you.
  • NodokaHaramura How do you know that I like this? Did you hear it from Saki? Thank you, I will take good care of it.
  • KoromoAmae Wow! You've got great taste. Koromo is very satisfied! Kudos to your great effort!
  • TeruMiyanaga Oh, it's a snack... Thank you, I like it.
  • FuJi Since you're so sincere, I guess it might be inappropriate for me to be perfunctory. Let's proceed with mahjong. I'll show you how I live up to my name.
  • QiXi You fool! A momiji manjuu cannot be substituted with just any dessert! However...since this is from you, and the taste is not that bad...that, that'll do...
  • YumekoJabami Is today some special day? Didn't expect such a wonderful gift. Thank you. I will cherish it.
  • MarySaotome Hmm... I must gift you in return. What would you like? Remember to choose something cheap!
  • MidariIkishima Whoa... You learn fast.
  • KirariMomobami ... Sorry about that. I like it very much, thank you. Can you please tell me? How did you know what I like?
  • ReinaNanami Wow... Reina has been waiting for this for so long. How did you know that? Yes, I'm so happy!
  • A-37 Your safety is the best gift.
  • HibikiHimekawa Wow, what's with the generosity?! Crazy, absolutely crazy! It may only last 1 second, but in that 1 second you're my God! All hail my God!
  • Ryan I'll truly treasure your present, onesan, just like how I treasure you, hehe.
  • AyakoMorikawa Hehe... I almost can't contain my happiness of receiving this gift. Can't wait to go home and laugh under my quilt...
  • NatsuhikoTakigawa Is this for me? Haha! Should I post this to my team's group chat to make the guys jealous?
  • ShigeruAkagi Thank you. How do you know what I like? I don't think I have told anyone about it.
  • IwaoWashizu Oh... Kakaka! Seems like you more or less understand my taste now! Although it's of little worth, I'll take it!
  • KazuhaSaionji That's the first time someone guessed my preference correctly. I'm kinda embarrassed, but you made my day.
  • NanahaOnodera Are… Are you sure that I can have this? Such a fine book. How should I even repay your kindness… You want to hear me read it out for you? Yup, sure thing.
  • Sammir This is the most meaningful gift I've ever received on my journey.
  • KaguyaShinomiya Thank you, you got me a wonderful gift. No need to be nervous. Expensive gift or not, it's the thought that counts.
  • MiyukiShirogane Oh?! This... This is something I've wanted for like forever... Geez, how could I repay you…?
  • AiHayasaka Oh?! Isn't this the newly-released version? You're the best. Since you have given me such a precious present, I have to bring my A-game as a return gift. Get excited!
  • KeiShirogane Ah... I mentioned it, so you just went and brought it? Thank you so much... It's not often that I get a gift that I really like. You better be looking forward to my return gift. I might have to deliver more newspapers, but if a little extra effort can help me repay your sincerity, it'll be worth it!
  • Yuzu What do you mean by "bribe"? I will not condone... such... an act... in the face of justice. Say, if I take this bear plushie back home, will the Red Panda Squad toss it to the side?
  • Zechs Wow, wow... Ahem... Why would you give me this...? Although I don't think we're there yet... I guess I'll reluctantly take it... Huh? Don't be shy? You're the one who should be shy! Didn't Ein tell you that people in our hometown only give clothing as a way of confession? Besides, you gave me women's clothing! Could you get any dumber?!!! I will never wear it!!! Never!!!
  • LilyKitahara I'd rather get you as a present, hehe! You'd be cute in a little red bow.
  • HisaTakei Oh my... You caught me off guard with my favorite gift. Thank you, but give me some time to think of a return gift!
  • MihokoFukuji Are... Are you sure? Such a precious gift should be gifted to someone important, like your mother maybe... Alright. Since you insist, I'll take it. Thanks, and do not bring any food with you tomorrow. Let me prepare something delicious for you as a return present.
  • AkoAtarashi OMG! This... this is adorable! Thanks, I really love this!
  • TokiOnjoji Woah... What a great gift... Can... can I really have it? Thank you. Any return gift in mind? "Lap Pillow Voucher”... of Ryuka? No, no, no! Not that! You better think of something else.
  • FuyumiShinomiya Wow! This is the latest style, and it has such good tailoring! Thanks! I don't know what to give you to thank you for this. Why don't I help you prepare breakfast tomorrow?
  • QingLuan I like it. Thank you for your effort.
  • AyaneKisaragi Are you giving me this to... confess your love for me? No way! Huh? I hope this isn't a prank because I'll take you seriously.
  • Mirai Please keep it a secret that a science girl in the Research Society likes doujinshi! But... I am really happy! I'll keep it here with Bex and enjoy it with all my heart!
  • LelouchLamperouge Food that I like? Well, if I had to pick one, I would choose chocolate because it is very nutritious and has a relaxing effect. It can give me a boost after I've done some brainstorming.
  • C.C. A gift? I'll consider it if it's a pizza.
  • SuzakuKururugi Is this for me? Thanks, but I don't really have anything to give back to you. Can you tell me what you like or are interested in?
  • KallenKouzuki It's my turn to get you something next time. I like to keep things even, so can you tell me what you like?
  • Ransei Although I love ramen, from now on, my favorite food is the cookies Master gives me!
  • Ling Well... If you haven't cleared the game yet, why don't we play together tomorrow... Also, this present isn't troublesome at all. Thank you.
  • KuroneToujou In my position, I shouldn't comment on gifts given by customers... but I like your gifts the most. They are always so thoughtful and lovely.
  • Hannah Mmm! It smells so good! PLAYER is always giving me food I love to eat. I'm so lucky... Thanks a lot! This accessory is for you. I just finished making it!
  • Musa I like it.
  • Illya What should I give you in return for such a precious gift...? You only want me to pat your head? PLAYER, you must be joking, right? But I'll do it if you really want me to. I also like the feeling of being an older sister, hehe...
  • Miyu You should give something this precious to someone important to you... Is that why you gave it to me? Um... T-Thank you.
  • Kuro Wow! What a wonderful gift! But you don't need to spend so much money next time. There are simpler gifts out there, right? Like... lots of mana?
  • Gil Take this gold coin. You deserve it since you did your best to please me.
  • EveKrist I hope my love for stuffed animals won't make you think that I'm neglecting my duties... I know that they don't seem to suit me very well since a swordsman should look tougher, but... thank you anyway.
  • LinLang This is a present from you, PLAYER? I like it. Give me more.
  • YuanFeng There are eight trigrams, so how can this gift be defined so simply as something I like or dislike? Not to mention that I received this from you personally.
  • Shiroko This is... I'm sorry. I don't have anything to give in return. Would you accept this energy drink?
  • Hoshino Well, this is a surprise, but I'll take it. Thanks!
  • Aru Heehee! You've got good taste!
  • Mutsuki Wow! I can't believe you gave me such a nice gift! How about I give you this super bomb in return? You have 20 seconds until it blows! Better cut the right wire before it's too late!
  • Kutsuji It looks like someone broke the rules. How else would you be able to guess what I like with that tiny brain of yours? Well, now's your chance since I'm in a good mood. What do you want from me today?
  • Leia Since you brought me such a good wine, I think I'll need to close the store early today.
  • Cynthia Thanks for your gift. At this moment, no matter where I'm looking, it's your best angle.