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Bond Level Up Voice 1

Bond Level Up Voice 1の音声

Displaying 1 - 92 of 92
  • Ichihime Master, you have been very active today. I will make sure I become better to repay your favor-nyaa.
  • MikiNikaidou (Smiles)Do you really want to get close to me so badly? No - way. You need to work harder.
  • KanaFujita I will work twice as hard today!
  • ChioriMikami Hmph, only an arrogant fool would want to challenge Chiori with this "game theory" thing... Huh!? Scared? No way! No matter what challenges you propose, Chiori will accept all of them! It's too late to regret now! Hmph... Speaking of it, what does "game theory" mean anyway?
  • MaiAihara Ah—! Master, you cannot read that b-book! I-it's only an ordinary gardening book, I don't think you will be interested... No-no, please don't, I can't show you the book, no way... U-unless you promise Mai that you will never hate Mai for it.
  • Nadeshiko I’m a little impressed. I shouldn’t have judged you by your looks... Pfff (laughing) just joking.
  • YuiYagi ...not really that touched...
  • RiuKujou Don't step closer. What are you planning to do to a delicate girl like me?
  • Xenia I'm not interested in boring stuff or boring people, but you haven’t disappointed me so far.
  • Kaavi Change? Maybe. But fate is never so trivial.
  • NatsukiShinomiya Looks like you are also interested in cocktails. Would you like to learn with me?
  • Wanjirou You look like a newbie, but that's okay. Let me teach ya.
  • SoraIchinose We may not have known each other for a long time, but you surely don't look like the kind of bad guys they talked about... Thank you for coming to see me.
  • HidekiAkechi Is the work at student union too hard? Feel free to let me know if you have any questions at all.
  • Keikumusume If I could only fall in love once in my life... What? It's not what you think! This is the title of a song!
  • Sara I don't often see a guest like you. You never missed any of my performances. If my dance can bring you happiness, that will be great.
  • HanaNinomiya You really hate losing, don't you? I just won you once, you don't have to follow me around everyday.
  • NanaShiraishi Hmm, you're getting better at this now. Good kid! (There there)
  • HinataTakanashi Good morning! You are on time as usual. I didn't wait for too long. I was only 5 minutes earlier because I got familiar with your routine. Let's have a great day, both in gardening and in Mahjong!
  • HarunaIgarashi You are always watching. Don’t you feel bored? Let’s run together. Come on, 1, 2, 1, 2...
  • AnjuSuzumiya Hello. Sometimes, I don't mind taking the initiative to greet you, Jyanshi. That's definitely not because of the strawberry milk... I mean, strawberry milk is also very important.
  • Joseph Did you say you had seen me on TV? Nothing surprising. I am a busy world traveler after all.
  • OsamuSaitou Am I easier to get along with than the way I look? Because you always judge people by their looks. But that makes you naive and lovely in a way.
  • SawakoKitami Recently, I got very interested in flower art. Not only it cultivates my mind, my taste in art has also improved a lot while learning it. Next time, I can give you one of my works if you don't mind.
  • Ein Recently, you had done me a lot of favor for my part-time jobs. Come on, tonight's bill is on me.
  • MomoHina Many interesting things happen when I'm with Mr. Rabbit. It's like we are already having an adventure in the wonderland!
  • ZanTsukimi Your wine isn't enough for my stories. How about you tell me some story of yours.
  • KiraraFujimoto Hehe, you've been really nice to me recently. Thank you!
  • Kaguyahime A charm? Tsk... Humans are so superstitious and troublesome. Here you are, take this charm with you and you will always win... Huh? Don't you dare underestimate this oden stick! It has my saliva on it and carries a lot of power!
  • RenKisaragi If you happen to see the president, tell him I'm looking for him... Hmm? Is there anything else I can do for you? If you have any problems in work or study, I can help you out. If you just want to stay here... I'm not saying you cannot, but please don't interrupt my work.
  • UsumiIshihara Did Ren send you to keep an eye on me again? Hey, there's something I really want to know. Will you really tell the super-scary vice-president if I run away now?
  • Eliisa Why do people in town count sheep when they can't fall asleep? Hmm… It only makes people focus. Liisa Liisa can count sheep all the way to 1000 and not feel sleepy... It's even happier to see more sheep in the ranch, not to mention falling asleep! Weird people here…
  • ChihoriTerasaki Things that I care about… Work, probably. No, now perhaps you're one of them. Well, as a popular Jyanshi with a reputation in Ichiban City, you are a walking news machine~
  • SakiMiyanaga Somehow, I feel like we can be reat friends.
  • NodokaHaramura Recently, your Mahjong performance has improved. You must be using the statistical play style.
  • KoromoAmae Do you think I'm a child loved by the tiles? But that is useless. I wish I can be loved by the people.
  • TeruMiyanaga What happened between me and my sister? ...Sorry, I don't want to talk about it.
  • FuJi Like my fan? If you can lift it, it is yours. After all, I'm not a cheapskate. However, if you take my fan and I need to use it, I will take you in exchange. What say you?
  • QiXi Shut up! Don't you dare to compare Cupid to me. That naked little kid is just hideous!
  • YumekoJabami I'm going to visit my sister in the hospital. Lately, a lot of interesting things have happened at school and the shrine, and I want to share all of that with her.
  • MarySaotome I dislike the weak. Or, I dislike the way they give in to their weakness. You... Aren't one of them, are you?
  • MidariIkishima Hmm... Slightly better than I thought?
  • KirariMomobami Come closer, I won't bite. You have something to say to me, don't you?
  • ReinaNanami Since Reina knows more about you already, are we best friends now?
  • A-37 You are just my employer. No need to act like we are friends.
  • HibikiHimekawa Oh yeah? Supporting me as timely as going to work? Thanks for your effort. How about dropping your job and be Hibiki's pet instead? Not bad at all.
  • Ryan Will onesan teach me how to play mahjong today? I just can't grasp the requirements behind achieving certain Han. So can you follow me to the dojo after teaching me mahjong?
  • AyakoMorikawa Sorry... I-I didn't mean to stare at you. It is just that, the one behind you is very unique... Could I talk to it... If you don't mind?
  • NatsuhikoTakigawa My hobby? Does collecting soccer cleats count? A lot of the guys on my team do that, though. After all, a nice pair of cleats can really step up your game. I spend most of my allowance on them.
  • ShigeruAkagi Calculating odds are important, but you'll need more than that to win.
  • IwaoWashizu Dislike them? No, I don't dislike them, I dislike seeing them! Even a great person like me has to worry about getting old, but those trash-like mortals have more time left than me...! I won't allow this...! Never!
  • KazuhaSaionji I don't like performing Kendo demonstrations in public, which is why I only took you as my disciple. Next up, I'll do my very best to train you, so ready yourself.
  • NanahaOnodera You want me to recommend a new book to you… You have already finished the books I recommended to you earlier? Good concentration.
  • Sammir In many countries, I'm known as the "Troubadour", but I'd prefer it if you call me Sammir.
  • KaguyaShinomiya When facing people or occurrences that are getting out of hand, there are times you don't want to think about it and just pray with peace of mind, just like this... Ah, breathe in. Ignorance is bliss...
  • MiyukiShirogane Talent is indeed something many call foul. I know plenty of incredibly talented people that are envied by many, but that's nothing. The way I see it, hard work beats talent every time.
  • AiHayasaka Why did I become my lady's maid? No reason in particular, really. I'm just doing what I'm supposed to do as a member of the Hayasaka family.
  • KeiShirogane What do you mean, I'm like my brother? How rude of you to compare me to that stubborn liar.
  • Yuzu Witches are lone wolves. So are companions of justice. That being said, everything seems to fall into place since I am a Witch of Justice. Gulp, that's compelling reasoning for you.
  • Zechs You seem to know One Han City pretty well. Listen up. I'm going to dominate One Han City from today onward. And I'm giving you the honor of being my assistant. See that guy over there? You won't be any better off than him if you turn me down.
  • LilyKitahara You want to know about my past? Hehe, I can hardly remember the last person who asked me that. Let's see how you fare this time.
  • HisaTakei Today's opponent makes me uneasy, especially the girl with a blade. However! I just asked Saki how I look today, and she said "pretty cute". So I guess lady luck is on my side today. Let's get it!
  • MihokoFukuji Something similar to playing Mahjong... Cooking, maybe? You utilize the ingredients given, spend effort and time to bring out the best of it, then observe the reaction of others. If you think it like that, aren't they both quite similar and interesting?
  • AkoAtarashi Speaking of Kiyosumi's vanguard, she does look like me in my primary school days, like we even shared the same hairstyle and stuff. I was quite shocked, too, when I first saw her. However, over the years, only I've properly grown up, in many ways!
  • TokiOnjoji If I'm really focused, I can indeed foresee the outcome after two or even three turns. But doing so makes me sick. That's why I've promised Ryuka not to do such a risky thing. It may be a pity, but it hurts me more to see Ryuka getting upset... I guess I'll just follow her advice.
  • FuyumiShinomiya Although my brother says really funny things when his chunibyo acts up, I actually kinda respect him, as those things are creeds of his life. Compared to someone as ordinary as me, someone like my brother who dares to pursue his own ideals is more dazzling.
  • QingLuan I have remembered your name.
  • AyaneKisaragi I used to be a student of Asaha High School too. Of course, it's because I liked this school that I decided to come back and become a school nurse here. It's so nice that students have such young and healthy bodies. Do you know? No matter how cold a person's personality is, their body is still warm.
  • Mirai An eye mask that can be worn in class to pretend to be awake? An electric frog that can automatically screen the answers to multiple-choice questions... You want to know where you can buy these items? Um... I don't find these inventions to be strange, just that the descriptions look very familiar to me. If I'm not wrong, my seniors in the Research Society are selling unused inventions in the activity room... How should I put this... After all, in a sense, our Research Society is actually rather poor, and it would be good if we could earn some funds with our old inventions.
  • LelouchLamperouge It feels a little unbelievable that I'm strolling through unfamiliar streets like this. In my original world, my sister and I lived a reclusive life... so I can only wander around at ease in a place like this where no one knows me.
  • C.C. It all started when I was captured by Britania. If I was unlucky, I would've become their test subject.
  • SuzakuKururugi There's one thing I know. What do results gained the wrong way leave you in the end? Just regret and an emptiness that has nowhere to go.
  • KallenKouzuki I'm actually of mixed blood, born to a Britannian nobleman and his maid. The reason I have the identity of a Britannian is that the Stadtfeld family has no heirs.
  • Ransei Eliisa is actually very talented in ninjutsu, and the ninja pet she carries with her is the best proof of this. In my hometown, most people train a ninja pet to be their partner, but... I've never been good with small animals since I was a child... That being said, Master, you don't need to worry because I'm still an excellent ninja even if I don't have a ninja pet!
  • Ling Sorry, I'm an absolute egoist, so please don't expect anything from me... In my opinion, things such as kindness and charity are like Wi-Fi connections without passwords. Eventually, they won't be able to provide an effective network speed at a critical moment because there are too many users.
  • KuroneToujou It's been a while since a customer who I need to personally welcome has visited Countless Springs. This shows that you're quite important indeed. Hmm... Who knows why you're important? Maybe you've won me over with your charisma.
  • Hannah This is my mask! Did you find it, PLAYER? Thank you! Where did you find it? Eh? In the shop? N-No wonder I couldn't find it at home...
  • Musa Cola... dangerous. Hurts... voice.
  • Illya The work of a Magical Girl... Miyu and I mainly help Miss Rin and Miss Luvia collect the Class Cards. We need to do this secretly, just like a bomb squad that secretly dismantles bombs in the city.
  • Miyu You think I look good in a maid outfit? That's not surprising at all. Other than working as a Magical Girl, I'm also Miss Luvia's personal maid.
  • Kuro Illya doesn't understand at all. You can tell who is the older sister from how we carry ourselves, right?
  • Gil My real identity? Haha... You can just treat me like an ordinary child. At least that's what I look like on the outside, right?
  • EveKrist The nun who raised me was an extremely gentle person who loved flowers, but in an environment like the Northland, only the upper echelons of the church are entitled to plant flowers in a greenhouse... If I get another chance to come to One Han City again, I want to bring her with me and show her the flowers here.
  • LinLang The dragon-slaying... hero... turned into... an evil dragon in the end? PLAYER, I don't understand. Why didn't they choose to become a cute dragon like me?
  • YuanFeng The lines of the bagua, also called hexagrams, refer to the turn of the sun and the moon and the transition of yin and yang, which is also the best time to ask for good luck... My friend, are you willing to give me this time sincerely? After all, you might get what you want if you wish really hard for it. Haha, I'm not lying to you. I mean, if you don't believe me, it doesn't matter what I say, right?
  • Shiroko ...I've experienced a lot of new things here.
  • Hoshino Hm? Oh, as the name implies, the Foreclosure Task Force handles problems like managing the school's debts and handling local thugs. But it's not hard. My juniors are so good that I can leave everything to them while I catnap.
  • Aru People call us a famous group of outlaws? ...No, no, I'm not angry. I'm flattered! What a compliment! I want to shake the hand of whoever told you that. Clearly they have good taste!
  • Mutsuki Aru works so hard all the time, but it's always interesting work!
  • Kutsuji You get what you pay for. If you want more detailed information from me, then it's obvious that you should... right? I hope I won't need to teach you the rules of this place again.
  • Leia The more precious an herb is, the more attentive you need to be when taking care of it, and this process is incredibly complicated. The same applies to the education of students.
  • Cynthia It's my daily job to wear different clothes and play different roles, so it's inevitable that I'll feel a little lonely when I change back into my regular clothes and remove my heavy makeup. However, I don't seem to have this problem when I'm with you.