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Insist on trying a few more times because practice makes perfect


[Riu Kujou] Shall we try again after you get more familiar with the lines? [Riu Kujou] Okay... [-] After that, Riu Kujou prepared for a while before we started filming again. [player] Phew, I finally managed to say all my lines completely this time... [Riu Kujou] How was it? [player] Well... [Riu Kujou] Huh? Is it bad? Let me see. [-] I don't know what to say when I'm watching the playback. Riu Kujou takes the action camera from me and presses the play button. [Riu Kujou] ... [Riu Kujou] ... [Riu Kujou] I'm... this person who is stiff all over and smiling falsely? [player] Ahem, it's not as bad as you make it sound... [Riu Kujou] Argh! No! As the best maid, I'll be humiliated if this video of me looking so stiff is released! No, I can't let this happen! [player] Huh? Huh? Don't press the delete button. We tried so many times before we managed to film this!!! [-] In the end, Riu Kujou lost her confidence to complete the filming after seeing her terrible performance. [Chihori Terasaki] I see... it's okay. I thought this might happen. [Chihori Terasaki] As for whether I won't have anything to publish in the magazine... Haha, you don't need to worry about that because I have a backup plan. But since she didn't finish the interview, please help me tell her that I can't give her the teddy bear. [player] Yes, I understand. [-] I sigh out loud after saying goodbye to Chihori Terasaki. [-] I knew it. The role of a temporary reporter was too difficult for a Jyanshi like me after all. I couldn't help Riu Kujou get the teddy bear, so all I can do now is to play mahjong with her more often to cheer her up.