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Bond Level Up Voice 3

Bond Level Up Voice 3の音声

Displaying 1 - 92 of 92
  • Ichihime Master, let's always play Mahjong together! Today, tomorrow, and forever hereafter-nyaa!
  • MikiNikaidou Mahjong is amazing. No matter how good I am, I still may lose; no matter how bad I play, I may still win. This mixed feeling of both uncertainty and anticipation, is exactly like what I see from you when you stand in front of me~
  • KanaFujita Hey, if I’m no longer an idol, will you still support me as you always? ...Haha, just kidding!
  • ChioriMikami It bothers that you are trying to appeal to Chiori everyday. Anyway, I can accept your kindness for now.
  • MaiAihara Master, I have prayed for you to God again today.
  • Nadeshiko It’s the first time that someone cared about me so much since my mother passed away... Thank you.
  • YuiYagi ...If I stay with you, I think I can change over time.
  • RiuKujou ...We just happen to know each other for a while. What sort of changes are you expecting?
  • Xenia You are the first person who has brought me so much happiness. I wish to continue to be happy with you.
  • Kaavi You’re probably right, but that doesn't mean skill can change everything.
  • NatsukiShinomiya No, that photo is definitely not me. You must have mistaken me for someone else. Absolutely!
  • Wanjirou You are getting better at this, AIBO!
  • SoraIchinose Sometimes, I also want to go to PE classes like everyone else... I want to know what it feels like to run freely on grass... Doctor never allowed me to participate in vigorous exercise ever since I was hospitalized when I was little... Oops, I have talked too much. Anyway, thanks for coming to see me.
  • HidekiAkechi Would you like to go horse riding with me next time? It's okay if you don't know how to. I will teach you with patience. I may not look like that, but I'm actually a very good rider.
  • Keikumusume You worked so hard today. Here, you can take a nap on my knees.
  • Sara Your advice really helped me a lot, thank you. Perhaps you have great talent in dancing that you do not know.
  • HanaNinomiya I think it's time for me to go to a different place other than library... No, I'm not having a bad mood. I just want to go to other places with you.
  • NanaShiraishi Junior, recently... your results were quite worrying, right? That's not good! As your senior, I must give you some proper guidance!
  • HinataTakanashi While I am happy to take care of the plants in the club, the unique beauty of natural plants still fascinate me. I love the sun-facing sunflowers in particular, because they make me feel energetic each time I look at them.
  • HarunaIgarashi Thank you for always treating me with ice pops! So it’s Haruna’s turn to treat you today! You can order any flavor you like!
  • AnjuSuzumiya Did you want to know how to deal with depression, Jyanshi? KR-976 never has to worry about it, because I tell myself that as an artificial intelligence, I do not need to be concerned about human emotions. However, occasionally experiencing them can help me understand humans better, so it's not too bad either.
  • Joseph What made me start my adventure? There wasn't any particular reason, it was more like my instinct. It's something that all men have - an instinct called "freedom".
  • OsamuSaitou The destination of our next business trip is a warm coastal city. You can choose a gift, or I will pick one for you if you cannot make a decision. After all, you only have a few favorites, it's hard not to remember.
  • SawakoKitami Recently, I invented a few new recipes and also improved my miso soup. It's still an ordinary miso soup like every other household makes, but I still want to give it a unique taste that belongs to my family only. Would you like to come to ours and have dinner some time?
  • Ein The smell of my hometown never seemed to leave me even after I have come to the far east. I could feel it when I close my eyes to sleep... Guess it's not always nice to have a good nose...
  • MomoHina Mr. Rabbit, Momo wants to tell you a super big secret... Today, the teacher told us that the fairy tale wasn't a happy story but a dark fantasy. Hehe, aren't you surprised!? But... what does "dark fantasy" mean? Was Alice actually wearing a dark-colored dress?
  • ZanTsukimi Oops, you saw the nasty side of me. How embarrassing... Could you keep that as a secret for me? A secret between just two of us?
  • KiraraFujimoto Actually, I used to be very nerdy. When I was young, other kids always laughed at my skin tone, so I got really unconfident and dressed like a nerd to avoid attention. I was wearing thick glasses and made my hair into a large, twist braid. Can you imagine that?
  • Kaguyahime Hey, if you have to choose between me and that little girl with cat ears at Mahjong Soul Shrine, which one will you help? I'm kind enough to leave the choice to you. How about I count from one to ten, and you will help the one that you are standing in front of? Ten... Uhehe! I knew it, normal humans will choose to help a goddess!
  • RenKisaragi When it comes to seeking Yaku like "Under the Sea", luck doesn't matter as much. It depends more on courage and perseverance. After all, you may miss many opportunities to win the hand when waiting for the last tile.
  • UsumiIshihara It's quite a hassle to call you by your name every time, so I'm seriously thinking whether I shall give you a nickname. Jellybean, pudding, cake, cookie... which one do you prefer?
  • Eliisa That poker face boss has some taste by appreciating Liisa Liisa's design of Mahjong tiles. Well, Mr. Wolf, come and praise Liisa Liisa. Somehow Liisa Liisa wants Mr. Wolf's praise more than that of others. Hehe!
  • ChihoriTerasaki Wanna know more about me? After all this time, it'd be unrealistic for me to pretend I can't read your facial expressions. Hehe.
  • SakiMiyanaga Thanks for coming to the bookshop with me today. I haven't read properly for a long time... How about going to the Shrine to enjoy the sunlight while readig? Sounds good, but I think I'll probably fall asleep.
  • NodokaHaramura I'm fine, I was just too focused. Thanks for worrying about me.
  • KoromoAmae The moon is beautiful, isn't it... What? Um, maybe some famous novelist said it before, but who knows if it's true! I had no other meanings when I said it! Don't get me wrong! I'm just trying to find an excuse... Oops?
  • TeruMiyanaga Being a coach isn't funny. Even when I'm not playing, I can't help but observe the habits of others. It's like an occupational habit.
  • FuJi Legends still circulate because they were once true, including the gods, the Celestial Shine, as well as the legendary mahjong tournament. After all, the rumored four winning noblemen are still active like "zap" in Ichiban City!
  • QiXi Such a useless cat patrol team. I was looking out for them, yet they still failed their mission...Darn, I'm getting scolded in the office because of them. Stop laughing, or else I'll tell the teacher that you were involved, too.
  • YumekoJabami Oops, it's already dark? Time flies when having fun. Before we go, let's play another round.
  • MarySaotome I don't know why you are so credulous. People like you struggle hard in competition... Can't stop worrying about you (whisper).
  • MidariIkishima You can still put on a smile in that kind of situation. Not bad. It's good that you know how to enjoy.
  • KirariMomobami Ririka looks scary. Hehe... How about this, you go and try to remove her mask?
  • ReinaNanami Ever since you taught me Mahjong, Reina has been practicing hard. Reina won't lose to you this time.
  • A-37 Try thinking with your head. That can keep you away from most of the danger... Protecting you is not easy.
  • HibikiHimekawa You really paid for all the items in my online shopping cart… Perhaps, I should a little special service to repay your kindness?
  • Ryan The pigeon that I used for my performance is dead. Its body has already become stiff... Are you afraid, onesan? Relax, I won't allow anything like this happen to you. There's nothing I cherish more than you, hehe.
  • AyakoMorikawa Occasionally, I amcalled a "witch"... Hehe, I'm actually very happy about that. Although... I don't think my power is strong enough to become a witch yet.
  • NatsuhikoTakigawa My wrist? I sprained it in training just now, hiss- It hurts a bit, but don't worry, it won't affect tomorrow's game. But... I'm probably gonna need your help with applying the medicine, since I only have one good hand, okay?
  • ShigeruAkagi Sometimes, you meet opponents that are like an impregnable vault, tough beyond comprehension. And no so-called common knowledge can crack it, so you must find special ways to "get in". Like... Use "coincidences" to your advantage.
  • IwaoWashizu They won't understand...! Those inferior beings would only get caught up by mundane things, and could never reach enlightenment! They are mere nearsighted mortals who are trapped in darkness!
  • KazuhaSaionji This is the sword my father left behind - Shigen, it means being grateful. Each time I see its crimson blade, I will tell myself to be more diligent to not let him down... I wonder if he is proud of me now?
  • NanahaOnodera While we are very similar in taste, it's regretful that you are not quite my type...
  • Sammir The things that I hate? Hmm... The church, perhaps…? Haha, just kidding. It's just that I prefer to believe in something when I can feel its wholesomeness from the bottom of my heart to being indoctrinated with dogma.
  • KaguyaShinomiya Normal families aren't that bad. At least they live together and care about each other. I'm a little jealous of them, or should I say... I'm really jealous of them.
  • MiyukiShirogane My mother once said that love never stays the same. Is that really the truth? I want to believe that dad's persistence is definitely not a waste of time.
  • AiHayasaka Just a casual thought. When love strikes, is there really someone adamant enough to wait for the other half to confess…? You think that's weird, too? Goodness me, I have two weirdos around me that are just like that.
  • KeiShirogane Kaguya wants to know me a little more? For real?! Honestly, I would like to be closer to her, too. It's just that I get so nervous whenever I see her, and I don't know what to say.
  • Yuzu Kazuha Saionji? Gulp... That's literally the epitome of justice... Witches and swordsmen do not share the same principles, nor does my definition of justice match hers. One more thing... It's best for you to stay away from her. I can sense that her principle of justice is too stringent. It's only a matter of time before... Hmm? You don't believe me? What's the matter? So you'd trust Kaavi's nonsense instead of a witch's sixth sense?!
  • Zechs Say no to violence? What kind of foolish statement is that? Beatings aren't for reasonable people. Are you expecting to reason with unreasonable people? Cut me some slack. I wonder how naive people like you can survive in one piece for so long. Listen up. This world is full of crap that is more absurd than a fairytale. If you don't want to be prey, work your way up to being a hunter!
  • LilyKitahara The rumors about me? It's all true, you know. Hehe, the truth is nothing more than something you believe. And if you don't believe it, nobody can force you to.
  • HisaTakei Whenever I see Nodoka and the others play Mahjong, I always feel that people who got upset the entire day just because of losing a Hanchan game are probably not fit to play Mahjong. Although I would get a little upset, too, if I were in their shoes, setbacks are part of life. As long as you pave your way forward, one step at a time, you'll definitely see a different side of the view. My advice is to enjoy every game. Only by doing so is the match truly commenced.
  • MihokoFukuji Superpowers? That's an overstatement. To be honest, there's nothing special with my right eye. I'm just more focused when I open it, which allows me to observe other players' movements more clearly. Everyone can do it if they are willing to meticulously observe their opponents. And at least as far as I know: Senriyama's captain has a knack for reading people, too. They say she can even sense other people's body temperature changes.
  • AkoAtarashi After all, it is the national tournament. It's not surprising to see some incredibly gifted players. I'm not gonna lie, I do envy them. They are so gifted that it's almost like they are cheating, but since I'm already on the stage, retreating is no longer an option. I shall show them my way of fighting!
  • TokiOnjoji Ah... Isn't that the scheduling table FunaQ wrote? Where did you get that? Look at you getting all excited, don't tell me you want to take care of me, too...
  • FuyumiShinomiya Due to the influence of my brother, I sometimes read or watch fanworks, and they always impress me, but I don't know how to express my love for them, so I only write "Wow, it's so amazing" in the comments. I feel stupid whenever I see my own messages.
  • QingLuan Stay quiet to hear the inner voice.
  • AyaneKisaragi Hmm? What do I dislike? ...I wouldn't say I dislike them. It's more like I'm not good at dealing with them... Just like how the bones of the human body contain cartilage, everyone has something they can't handle. My finger was scratched by a spindle when I was young, and I bled a lot at that time. Haha! I was so young and ignorant that I thought I was going to die! Well, I have a little trauma from that incident. Fortunately, there are almost no more spindles in modern cities... If you're interested, I can take you to my hometown and show you.
  • Mirai What's my type? Uhhh... I find talented beauties like Yui to be irresistible, haha! But humans keep changing and they never know until someone who makes them think "This is the one!" appears in front of them. I don't think anyone can accurately predict the type of person they will like in the future. After all, this is currently one of the most controversial topics in the scientific community.
  • LelouchLamperouge Hmm? Sorry, I was thinking about something... When I was drinking coffee with C.C. in that cafe called Éternité, the young manager there reminded me of my little sister who was left in the world I'm from. My little sister can't move freely due to a physical disability, so I'm very worried about her... Nunnally...
  • C.C. The resistance mistakenly thought I was a weapon since I was kept top secret, so they took me away from Britannia. This was my opportunity to meet Lelouch.
  • SuzakuKururugi I became an honorary Britannian and joined the Britannian army. That made me a complete traitor, especially to those who knew whose son I was. However, this is a rule I set for myself. It is a rule I must follow because of what I've done.
  • KallenKouzuki I know I can live as a member of the upper class by choosing the Stadtfeld name, but I can't ignore everything that is happening in front of me!
  • Ransei After three months of practice, I learned that there's some sort of magnetic attraction between a human knee and a kunai that has been thrown... However, someone powerful like you can overcome this magnetic force. You're so amazing!
  • Ling Humans can't survive alone because families, schools, and even societies are made up of gatherings of people. However, this doesn't mean you can't choose a lifestyle with minimal contact and communication with others to avoid as much trouble as possible.
  • KuroneToujou Will you be scared if I suddenly act like a different person? I'm just joking. How can someone suddenly become another person? On the contrary, you seem a lot more relaxed now than when you first came here. If I'm the reason for this... can I feel proud of this?
  • Hannah You want to pet my hand? Okay, but be careful of my claws, I haven't filed them in a while, but they are still a little sharp... PLAYER, why do you look so happy? A! N-No! You can't rub the pads on my paws like that!
  • Musa Lion hunting? Very difficult... when alone. Spotted hyenas... hunt in a pack.
  • Illya Magical Girl animes are popular in all worlds. Miss Fujita heard that I like to watch this type of anime, so she lent me a series of DVDs. Do you want to watch them with me?
  • Miyu I basically have no memories of anything before I was adopted by my older brother, but my body seems to have retained sporadic "memories" such as... that person who was probably my mother, and the warmth of her hands...
  • Kuro Illya is unexpectedly awkward sometimes, right? There's no way around it. Her life has been arranged by others since she was a baby. At such times, only I, the person who knows her best, can help her say what she is really thinking.
  • Gil I am the king, so I cannot live life too simply. However, excessive luxury is so tasteless. It's not easy to get the right balance.
  • EveKrist A true warrior would never be swayed by a few simple words. Faith is something like that to me. People can believe in God, an organization, or even themself. All you need to do is keep believing in what you believe and persevere. What about you, PLAYER? Is there anything you have always believed in?
  • LinLang In terms of human age, I'm your elder, PLAYER, and deserve your respect.
  • YuanFeng When Tao begets one, it changes from a state that can't be understood to a state that can be understood. When one gives rise to two, two gives rise to three, and three gives rise to all things, the world we know comes into being. In other words, if you understand Tao, then the world you see will also exist. That's the way of all things.
  • Shiroko My favorite activities, like biking and fishing, are a totally different experience in One Han City.
  • Hoshino PLAYER, you're quite popular in One Han City. But it seems like you've taken on a lot of responsibility. You don't have to carry the world on your shoulders, you know. Take my advice and relax a little.
  • Aru Above all else, a leader must always be calm. If I couldn't keep my head in a crisis, then Problem Solver 68 wouldn't have nearly the impeccable reputation it has today.
  • Mutsuki Since I won this game, I get to make a request, right? And you can't say no! Heehee... But what would be the best punishment?
  • Kutsuji So what if you don't like how I do things? Plenty of people dislike me in this world. Don't you think it feels really good knowing that there are people out there who hate your guts but can't do anything to you at all? That being said, if you know any other tricks that I don't know about, I would really like you to open my eyes.
  • Leia Don't worry, it's inevitable to hurt your fingers in one way or another while taking care of flowers and plants. Similarly, it's because the children and I managed to resolve many conflicts together that they are now able to blossom and bear fruit.
  • Cynthia This is the photo book collection you ordered. I caught a glimpse of the address by accident when the assistant was dispatching the order, so I decided to just bring it to you myself. By the way, you really didn't have to waste your money on buying this because I'm standing right in front of you, right? Well? Are you happy with what you see?