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Ask her about her grandpa's reasoning


Ask her about her grandpa's reasoning [player]Do you know why the old priest didn't want to hold festivals? [Mai Aihara]Eh? No... [player]Based on what I know about Osamu, almost all the events he promotes are a great success. The Temple of Moons should make a lot of profit if it joins in. [player]But I'm worried that the old priest might have a special reason for saying that. I think that knowing his reason will help us make a decision. [Mai Aihara]You're right, but... I don't know why grandpa never organized a festival either. [Mai Aihara]I've only inherited the shrine for a few years... Many operational matters are carried out according to grandpa's will... and everyone at the Mahjong Soul Shrine has been helping me... That's why everything has gone well so far. That's why I don't dare to make such a big decision... [player]Organizing a festival is a big decision, so it can't hurt to be prudent. [Narration]I comfort Mai because she is looking a little depressed. Unexpectedly, her eyebrows relaxed soon, as if she thought of something important. [Mai Aihara]The Mahjong Soul Shrine! That's right, Ichihime and the others might know something. [player]Alright, there's still some time until dinner, so why don't we go and ask them now? [Ichihime]I know! Mai's grandfather doesn't like temple festivals because Mai's grandmother really liked them! [Narration]Mai and I arrive at the Mahjong Soul Shrine and see Ichihime and Kaguyahime sitting together drinking tea. After Mai asks Ichihime about the festival, she finds out that Ichihime really does know the reason, but she isn't the only one who knows... [Kaguyahime]Hehe, shorty, do you know you need to take responsibility for the things you say? I think it's because he wanted to protect the go-shintai, the divine artifact worshipped in the shrine. After all, the Temple of Moons' go-shintai is quite special. [Ichihime]Nyaa! You don't understand the old priest at all, you stupid rabbit, nyaa! [Kaguyahime]I don't understand humans, but I understand deities. The old priest is someone who serves deities. How can he do a good job if he doesn't understand what's truly important? Do you think he is like a certain short priestess who just eats and sleeps all day? [Ichihime]Nyaa! You also ate some of those snacks just then! [Narration]I knew it. Whenever Ichihime and Kaguyahime are together, they will start their trademark bickering that no one can cut in. [player]...Where's Wanjirou? He at least might have a chance to persuade these two. [Mai Aihara]Ichihime said Wanjirou just went out and she didn't know when he'll return. [Narration]How troublesome. The only slightly more reliable person in Mahjong Soul Shrine is not around just when we need him. [Ichihime]What do you think, Mai? What I said makes more sense, right? [Kaguyahime]In that case I want to know what you think too. Think carefully before you answer, hehe. [Mai Aihara]Well... Um... Urgh... What should I do, Master? What should I say?