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Chase after the masked person on the right


The masked person doesn't seem to have much mental fortitude. While running away, they slipped a few times, which gave me the chance to stop them. [player]Who are you? Are you an accomplice of the paparazzo? [???]... For some reason, the masked person starts struggling again after hearing my question and runs left and right. We barely manage to subdue the person by the time the manager rushes over. [Manager]My friend, you... [Kana Fujita]Wait, Miss Mananger. [Manager]Hmm? Kana, what is it? [Kana Fujita]Nothing. It's just that this person is trembling the whole time. I get the feeling that he is very scared... Let me ask him the questions. [Kana Fujita]Hi, we don't have any malicious intentions. We just want... Um, why are you crying?! The masked person trapped in the corner starts crying loudly right after Kana starts talking. He sits on the ground in despair with tears streaming uncontrollably down his face. [???]Sobbing Kana... Kana-chan... I'm sorry... Sobbing [Kana Fujita]There, there. Stop crying now. Your face is all dirty now. Here, wipe your face with this. I don't know what to do if you keep crying. After she comforts him patiently, the masked man finally stops crying and takes off his mask slowly. To our surprise, the masked man is a middle school student. [Kana Fujita]Huh...? [Middle school student]This matter started from a truth or dare game between me and my friend. At that time... After hearing the middle school student's story, I finally piece together the rough outline of the whole story. The middle school student and his friend are both Kana's fans, and they created a fake Kana Fujita account to chat with each other to realize their dream of chatting directly with their idol. He posted the chat records just for fun, but didn't expect that Kana's anti-fans would find it and forward it. Things snowballed, and a paparazzo who thought this was Kana's alternate account demanded a lot of Coppers with the photo. The middle school student arranged to meet this person to explain things, but encountered the real Kana Fujita right after they met. It's because of the guilt he feels when he thinks about how much trouble he has caused for his idol that he chose to run away. [Middle school student]Sorry, Kana-chan... I, I... [Kana Fujita]It's okay. [player]Huh? [Kana Fujita]You didn't mean to hurt me, and you deleted your CatChat after the photo was spread to avoid any misunderstandings. I also saw that you tried to explain things to the other person. You didn't mean for things to turn out like this. [Kana Fujita]Since it's just a misunderstanding, of course I forgive you. What's more, you're my fan, so of course I have to be more magnanimous as your idol. [Middle school student]But... it's my fault that you couldn't catch the paparazzo... This guy is so arrogant. He said that he can make fake photos of you, Kana, and that he will post more scandalous photos taken from tricky angles to smear your reputation if I don't obey him... [Kana Fujita]You don't need to worry about that. My manager will sort it out, right? The girl winks mischievously, causing her manager to hold her forehead helplessly. [Manager]I don't know what to do with you. Anyway, I'll need you to come to our company office to post a statement. [Middle school student]Sure! I'll definitely cooperate. After walking out of the cinema's doors, I realize that night has fallen without us realizing. As if to congratulate us for dealing with the trouble, a few clouds are dyed red by the glow of the sunset far away in the sky. On my way back with Kana, instead of being energetic like always, she remains silent all the way with her head bowed down. [player]Kana, are you unhappy? [Kana Fujita]Umm... PLAYER, I'm thinking about what I can do better. [player]Hmm? [Kana Fujita]What happened today was just a big mishap. But at the end of the day, the reason why something so simple became known to the whole world is because someone was maliciously reposting things. [Kana Fujita]I know that each idol has so-called anti-fans. This is something we have to experience and endure, but I still can't help but feel bad... Why are there so many people who dislike me? [Kana Fujita]I mean, my initial reason for getting on the stage is to bring happiness to more people. Kana stops, frowns, and gives me a puzzled look. Her voice is trembling slightly when she talks. Being a high school idol has brought her honor and glory, as well as a melancholy that can't be shared with others. [player]In this world, there will always be someone who is unhappy with you no matter how well you do. [player]No matter how kind you are, there will always be someone who thinks you aren't gentle enough. No matter how gentle you are, there will always be someone who thinks you aren't cheerful enough. [player]Even if you do your best to make them happy or treat them gently, there will always be someone who sees you as an irritant in their eyes. They will even deliberately discredit you or beat you down out of jealousy. [player]Whether someone likes you actually has nothing to do with you. It's just another person's subjective feelings. What you need to do is keep polishing yourself until you become an even more dazzling pearl and become so beautiful that others can't ignore your beauty. The street lights turn on as the sun gradually dips below the horizon, but they are unable to provide as much light as the sunlight. Under the setting sun, Kana's eyes are surprisingly bright. [Kana Fujita]Keep polishing myself until I become a dazzling pearl... I think I understand what you're saying! [Kana Fujita]I shouldn't try to change what others are thinking. Instead, I should focus on myself so that people will see the good things about me. [player]That's right. You look so magnificent right now. [Kana Fujita]Well... I'm going to rush back to the training room and practice the dance moves for the concert a few more times now! [player]...? [Kana Fujita]I want to make this concert as perfect as possible, not just for my fans, but also for you. Whenever I'm exhausted, you're always here to encourage me. I'll do my best! The glow of sunset blooms in the sky like a rose and gives the girl's face a reddish tinge. I subconsciously pinch the concert ticket in my pockets with my fingers. This is not just a promise between an idol and a fan, but a promise between Kana and me. [player]Yeah, I believe you can do it, Kana!