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Chase after the paparazzo on the left


Big Hammer Lee the paparazzo is our target, so I reach out to the left without hesitation to stop him from running away. [Big Hammer Lee]Ouch! Be gentle! We're all civilized people. It isn't good to have such a fiery temper. [Kana Fujita]A civilized person doesn't secretly take photos of people without permission. [Big Hammer Lee]This... There's a little misunderstanding here, but I can swear by my camera that the photos are absolutely not fake. [Big Hammer Lee]Miss Fujita, help me persuade your friend to let go of me, or else... [Manager]Or else what? Kana's manager rushes over and arrives just in time to hear what the paparazzo is saying. [Manager]Kana, wait outside with PLAYER while I have a good chat with this gentleman. [Big Hammer Lee]... As expected of the manager who is regarded as the queen of star-making by the entertainment industry. Her aura is so powerful that the man can't even seem to say anything. It looks like this talk will only end in one way. [Manager]The matter has been resolved. [player]Already? [Manager]I still wasted ten minutes, so it wasn't that fast. He will post a statement admitting that he posted a photo taken from a particular angle on purpose to get more views and likes. [player]There's nothing in it for him if he does that. Um... why did he agree to do this? [Manager]Because the boss made him an offer he can't refuse, of course. [Kana Fujita]Haha, don't worry. There's nothing my manager can't take care of. The girl's laughter livens up the atmosphere. Kana's manager reaches out and taps her forehead. [Manager]I really don't know what to do with you... The familiar scene makes me laugh for a while. Kana's manager did exactly the same thing when she found out Kana was secretly drinking milk tea. It looks like Kana does lots of similar things on an everyday basis. If I had to say what is different about this time, it is probably... that there's one more person for her manager to tell off. [Manager]YOU TWO! You better act appropriately in public in the future and don't do things that people will misunderstand, okay? I won't go easy on you if this happens again. [Kana Fujita]Ahem, okay, okay... Kana nods obediently, but winks at me instantly the moment her manager turns around. I understand her immediately without needing to communicate with her verbally. I understand, but I'll still do it anyway. I hope the manager won't be too angry, after all... Kana and I are thinking the same thing. We won't leave each other no matter what happens.