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The Child Not Bound by Common Sense


Hero shows are held regularly on the top floor of the mall in the CBD of One Han City.
"I'm so tired..." After the performance, Mr. K, who played the part of a villain, heaved a sigh of relief upon returning backstage. He didn't expect to encounter so
mething troublesome on stage today.
Just now, someone yelled out, "They have caught us so they can trick the hero into appearing! We must not let their plan succeed!" After that, the children on the s
tage stopped following the script and even started staring at the villains under the leadership of a little girl. No matter what threats the villains threw at the c
hildren, the children still refused to call the hero to take the stage.
Left with no other choice, Mr. K shuffled up to the children and whispered a promise to give them candy afterward if they cooperated. However, this literally sugar-
coated promise was also seen as a trap to make their teeth rot, so they said no.
Realizing that there was nothing that could be done, the hero had no choice but to force his entrance by shouting, "I hear children calling for me!" The hero then c
harged at the villains and quickly knocked them down to the ground so that today's hero show wouldn't be ruined...
Mr. K is about to take off his stuffy costume when he suddenly feels someone pulling him from behind. He turns around and is greeted by an energetic girl with blond
hair. This was the girl who instigated the other children to go against the script, causing this troublesome situation.
He recognizes this little girl. She is Nana Shiraishi, a girl who lives close to him and is in the third grade of elementary school. She is very memorable because s
he always greets people very energetically.
"I'll give you this because you looked so miserable just now." Nana Shiraishi says as she hands over a piece of chocolate.
"Just then..." Mr. K stares blankly for a moment before realizing what had happened.
Near the end of the show, some mischievous children raised their fists excitedly to "finish off" the villains who had fallen to the ground. Mr. K and the others wer
e already used to this because it happened so often that it was almost part of their routine.
"Stop!" To his surprise, Nana Shiraishi, who was responsible for making the situation difficult for the villains earlier, suddenly stood in front of them and asked
the other children, "Don't you think it's despicable to attack someone who has already surrendered?!"
After seeing the hero silently give her a thumbs up in approval from the side, they sulkily put down their fists. Mr. K also secretly gave her a thumbs up because n
o one likes to be beaten regardless of how thick their costumes are.
"What a strange child, consoling a villain instead of taking a photo with the hero." Mr. K thinks to himself while feeling warm in his heart. After working as a vil
lain for so long, this is the first time a child has said something to comfort him. "Hmph, your hero will be done for after I eat my fill and regain my strength. Ar
en't you afraid?"
"Not at all. You guys always lose." Nana Shiraishi says as she makes an innocent dig at Mr. K. "Since your plan will never succeed, maybe you should stop doing bad
There's no way he can agree with her, or else the hero show can't be performed anymore, but out of professionalism, Mr. K can't tell her that it's just a performanc
e either as that would destroy the children's dreams.
After thinking about it for a while, acting mysterious with the intention of teasing her, Mr. K says, "You naive little kid, something extremely evil stands behind
us, directly our every move..." Seeing the nervous look on Nana Shiraishi's face, Mr. K suppresses the urge to smile and further lowers his voice.
"Work... Work drives us to do evil! Work corrupts us! Work is the root of all evil! Work is the reason why we villains exist!"
"Work..." Nana Shiraishi murmurs to herself before coming to a sudden realization. The villain just answered a question that had been bothering her for a while. She
had been wondering why the superheroes she sees on TV don't seem to have a job and have time to fight villains all day and night. So it's because work is evil! Her
oes are able to dish out justice because they are unemployed!
On this day, Nana Shiraishi felt like she had discovered an amazing truth about this world...