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Experience horse riding


[player]Wouldn't it be a pity to not experience riding a horse since I've come to a stud farm? [Hideki Akechi]True. The stud farm allows people to temporarily rent a horse. You can choose one you like. Hideki thoughtfully calls over a worker for me and expresses my wishes concisely. [Worker]Sorry, we're preparing for a big competition here at the racetrack, so the racetrack won't be used in the next month. Only the training grounds in the stud farm can be used, but you're not allowed to gallop on horseback over there. [player]That's okay. I just want to experience what it's like to ride a horse. [Worker]That's perfectly fine then. What type of horse do you like? A medium-sized Aslan, a muscular Upper North, or a lighter Orlov Trotter? Each kind of horse has its own characteristics, so you can choose one according to your preferences. Seeing that I don't know much about horses, the worker patiently explains the advantages and disadvantages of each horse to me. Although the introduction is very detailed, I am still very confused afterward. [player]It's so hard to choose... [Hideki Akechi]In that case, why don't we observe for a while at the training grounds before you decide? It should be time for the horses to go out for a walk, right? [player]That's a good idea... Can I? [Worker]Of course you can. Please follow me. Hideki and I walk for a while behind the worker before we arrive at the training grounds. On the green field, the horses are galloping, jumping, or acting docilely, each showing a different type of beauty. [Steed]Neigh— Neigh— I feel myself gradually being drawn in as I shuttle through the horses and listen to them neighing. [Worker]So, which type of horse do you like more?