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Take a look at Hideki's horse


[player]I want to see your horse, Hideki—the one that you won the competition with. Hideki came here to visit his horse, so he gladly agrees to my request. After walking a certain distance, we arrive at the stables. Neigh The moment we arrive at the doors of the stables, we are greeted by the excited neighing of the horse, as if he already knew his owner had arrived and was greeting him in advance. [player]He knows you're here before he sees you. Is this the spiritual connection between an equestrian and his horse? [Hideki Akechi]Haha, he just heard us chatting. Horses recognize their owners with their ears, not their eyes. As we speak, Hideki takes me into the stables. It's spacious, clean, and airy in here, and there's plenty of feed in the manger. Straw is even specially laid under the horse's feet. Even a person who knows nothing about horses knows that this horse is very well cared for. Now that I can finally see the horse, I see that it is pure white with a long loose mane. It is well-proportioned, but its strength can be seen at a glance. No wonder everyone loves prince charming who rides a white horse. When I imagine this steed and Hideki appearing at the same time, I find myself thinking this. [Hideki Akechi]Don't be afraid. He's very gentle and won't hurt you, so you can stand a little closer. [player]Thanks, I'm just a little astonished... by how beautiful he is. This is the most beautiful horse I've ever seen! Snort A streak of silver flashes before my eyes as the horse snorts suddenly and flicks his long tail gently. [Hideki Akechi]Silver Snow, you can't be rude like that. The tall horse lowers his head and makes an aggrieved expression after Hideki scolds him gently. [player]His name is Silver Snow? What a beautiful name. Um, did I do something to make him unhappy just then? [Hideki Akechi]It's probably because you said he is beautiful and not handsome. Silver Snow is a stallion and is obsessed with being called handsome. [player]What?! He understands what I'm saying? [Hideki Akechi]The IQ of an adult horse is equivalent to that of a six-year-old child. They are curious about the world and learn by imitating everything. When they are unhappy, they will throw a small tantrum and wait for someone to coax them, so don't look down on horses. [player]Sorry, Silver Snow. I praised you with the wrong word earlier. You're the most handsome horse I've ever seen! Silver Snow [Shadow Conqueror]Neigh— Silver Snow neighs happily. Although we don't speak the same language, I miraculously understand what he is saying: "I'll forgive you this time." [player]Hmm, he's such a proud horse. [Hideki Akechi]It looks like you and Silver Snow have already cleared up the misunderstanding. I thought I would have to get you to do something to improve your relationship with Silver Snow. [player]Something that can improve our relationship quickly... You mean feeding him? I quickly grasp the key point. As Ichihime's owner, no one understands how practical this approach is more than I do. Seeing that I'm interested in this, Hideki calls over the groom who usually takes care of Silver Snow and asks him to bring over Silver Snow's favorite carrots. [Hideki Akechi]Just hand them over slowly. You'll scare him if you move too quickly. Silver Snow looks big and strong, but he's quite timid. [player]Okay, I got it... Silver Snow, here's a carrot for you. I'm gonna give it to you slowly... I carefully hand a carrot to Silver Snow. He sniffs it and starts chomping on it. [player]Take your time. There's more where that came from. [Groom]Silver Snow accepted the carrots so easily? That's... incredible! [player]Why is that? [Groom]Silver Snow has a docile temperament, but he is very cautious and never accepts food and water from people he doesn't know well. No one except for Mr. Akechi has been able to gain his trust in such a short period of time. [Groom]When I was selected to be his groom, it took me half a year to just get Silver Snow to reluctantly trust me. Even though I've taken care of him for nearly five years, he still always watches my every action cautiously by the side whenever I add more feed. The disheartened groom scratches his head helplessly and leaves with doubts running through his head because he can't understand the reason. [player]Hahaha! Judging from how depressed he sounds, he must have put in a lot of effort to gain Silver Snow's trust. [Hideki Akechi]Hmm... That's certainly true. I remember telling him that I can ask the stud farm to send someone else if he wants to give up, but Silver Snow seems to have aroused his competitive spirit, so he rejected my proposal immediately. [Hideki Akechi]I heard the other workers say that he especially moved here and ate and lived with Silver Snow for one whole month before Silver Snow would let him approach his manger. [player]What a determined person... If Silver Snow is so cautious, how did you get along with him in the first place? [Hideki Akechi]My father bought him on a business trip when Silver Snow was still a foal. Due to various reasons, he kept Silver Snow in his birthplace after the business trip ended. It wasn't until Silver Snow was almost two years old that he was moved here to One Han City and officially given to me. [Hideki Akechi]Before then, I was training with the horses of the stud farm, so it's not surprising that I went through a rough time after I really started raising a horse. It was particularly bad when Silver Snow started shedding his teeth as one tooth just wouldn't come out, and Silver Snow was in so much pain that he couldn't eat or drink, relying only on infusions to maintain his nutrition. [player]What happened after that? Did you help pull that tooth out? As if he knows that we are talking about him, Silver Snow's huge head starts rubbing us to show his master his affection. [Hideki Akechi]Haha, you seem to think that I can do anything. If you ever have the need, PLAYER, I would love to learn about it. [Hideki Akechi]There was a problem with Silver Snow's deciduous tooth, and the veterinarian that came to check up on him was inexperienced and didn't dare to pull out the tooth. Because of this, he starved for nearly three months. In the end, this problem was solved after I asked my father to ask a professor from overseas to help us. [Hideki Akechi]Dental problems are quite common in this type of thoroughbred horse, and Silver Snow recovered quickly after the deciduous tooth was pulled out. Somehow, Silver Snow seemed to know that I helped find that doctor and wholeheartedly accepted me as his master after that. This is why we have a better tacit understanding than other contestants in competitions and might even be why I won that competition. [player]In that case, it really is incredible how he just accepted the food I handed over to him! Do I have some kind of special ability? Or am I wearing some accessories he is particularly fond of? I look down at the clothes I'm wearing and try to find a believable reason. Hideki starts laughing next to me and raises his hand to stop me. [Hideki Akechi]Actually, it's not that surprising. [player]Huh? [Hideki Akechi]Have you heard of the saying: "A horse is like a mirror that reflects its master"? A modest master will train disciplined horses. A competitive master will raise horses that bully other horses. [player]So Silver Snow is so cautious because of you? Seeing that I didn't understand what he meant, Hideki sighs with resignation and closes the distance between us by leaning over and whispering in my ear. [Hideki Akechi]What I mean is that like me, Silver Snow trusts you and regards you as someone important. No whisper is light enough to escape a horse's ears. Silver Snow neighs joyfully again as if he has seen through the little secret between Hideki and me and only calms down again after Hideki pats his head lightly. After saying this, Hideki quickly turns around to take care of Silver Snow, leaving me staring at his slender back with ears that are burning red. [player]Ahem, I trust Hideki a lot too. This response seems to calm Hideki's emotions. He gradually relaxes and becomes the gentleman I'm familiar with once again. Hmm... He's just as easy to coax as Silver Snow. The breeze caresses the hay and enters the stables on this summer morning, bringing slightly warm air and a faint grassy fragrance. A thought arises in my heart as I look at the man and the horse in front of me...