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Help Request Box Records


As someone famous for being the most enthusiastic person in Asaha High School, Nana Shiraishi never turns down a request for help from her classmates. However, from
time to time, she's so busy that people can't find her when they need her help.
"A hero can't turn a blind eye to requests for help!" With this thought in mind, Nana Shiraishi hung up a wooden box with the words "Help Request Box" written on it
outside her classroom to make it easier to collect requests for help from other students.
In her spare time, Nana Shiraishi will also check the request records to see if she can make any improvements. In most cases, she is able to solve these requests th
rough her own abilities or her connections.
But this wasn't the case for all her requests, such as an anonymous request she received not long after that...
Request 10: Training to overcome a weakness
Client: Anonymous
Details: Yuzu seems to be really scared of snakes, frogs, and spiders. Please help her conquer this weakness...
Mission process: Yuzu will be so scared when encountering these things that she'll run away? This is the first time I've heard of this. I wanted to say that you don
't have to force yourself to accept something you're afraid of. After all, I'm also afraid of dogs. However, the client said that Yuzu often gets into conflicts wit
h some nasty groups and is afraid that someone would use her weakness against her. This made sense to me, so I decided to think of a way to help her.
I just didn't expect that Yuzu would get so scared and react so strongly by yelling at me not to get close to her... Out of respect for her, I didn't record the det
ails of this mission to prevent others from seeing it. In short, I failed the mission.
Ah... Lately, Yuzu has been keeping her distance from me whenever she sees me, and even the Red Panda Squad has been hissing at me. I need to find a way to cheer th
em up and mend our relationship.
But I won't give up! If I keep thinking, I'll definitely come up with some other ideas.
Client's comment: She doesn't have the courage to flip over the wheel of fate. Don't let it get to you.
Sometimes, I have missions that I've completed but feel like I haven't completed...
Request 19: Check up on Ling's recent status
Client: Usumi Ishihara
Details: It's been a while since Ling has come to school, and he hasn't been answering calls either. Can you go to his house to check up on how he's doing? His atte
ndance rate has been terrible recently, so it's best if he can show up at school as soon as possible.
PS: If something terrible has happened, remember to call an ambulance.
Mission process: I went to Ling's house according to the address I got from the president. About what I saw... I can only say that his room was too horrible to look
at. Based on the mountains of instant noodle bowls I saw inside, I could tell that he hadn't left his house for several days already.
Ling said he would go to school again after he finished what he was doing, but I'm sure the vice president would probably visit him personally if he doesn't see Lin
g at school tomorrow.
He said that he would be able to finish everything in one night if he wasn't disturbed. In that case, I'll do all the housework for him so he can concentrate on wha
t he's doing. Oh well, I'll do this for him since we're fellow companions on the list of problem children.
I never expected that guy to break his promise! He said he would go back to school after finishing off what he was doing, so I started on my next mission after taki
ng care of everything for him. I don't care anymore! The vice president can come get him himself!
Client's comment: conveyed message: Nana Shiraishi is a woman who might be able to become my mother —Ling.
"That's simply too rude! How can he say something like that to a cute and pretty high school girl like me?! I'm going to pull out his Internet cable later." After r
eading the most recent client's comment, Nana Shiraishi closes her notebook angrily. Her alarm clock also starts ringing at the same time. She then turns off the li
ght and lies down in her bed. "Don't be angry. I'll go to sleep early tonight and wake up early tomorrow in good spirits. There'll be many requests waiting for me t
omorrow too!"
"Ah, speaking of which, when I was helping Yuzu overcome her fears, the Red Panda Squad broke something by accident. Don't tell me the vice president wants to talk
to me about this tomorrow..."