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I don't have so much money in my bank account


[player]Sorry, I may not be able to pay for her. [Osamu Saitou]Hmm? [player]Insufficient balance in my bank account... Osamu Saitou let out a long sigh. He looked up at me helplessly. [Osamu Saitou]That Priestess said exactly the same thing. Are you going to find someone to pay for you? [player]I... cannot find anyone. [Osamu Saitou]Well, you will have to pay with your body then. My body? I wrapped my arms around myself and moved back to the corner. [player]What do you want? [Osamu Saitou]One more step, and your debt will become 200,000. I looked behind my back and found an expensive-looking vase going to fall. I immediately put it back. [Osamu Saitou]From today onward, you will work in this company until your debt is paid off. You won't get any salary either. What are you, a devil?//nSadly, I could only scream this to myself. Osamu Saitou is definitely an evil businessman.//nAfter I was forced to sign the agreement, I started to run errands for him. When I realized, it was already dark outside. But I still had no idea where Ichihime was...