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If I don't pay, I probably won't be able to walk out of here today


Looking at Osamu Saitou's poker face and the locked door behind my back.//nI take out my credit card with reluctance, but after all, she calls me master. I will make sure I give her a good lesson after we get home. After paying 100,000 coppers at the reception, I realize I still don't know where Ichihime is. [Waiter]Are you looking for Miss Ichihime? [player]Yes. Do you know where she is? [Waiter]When she headed out, she said she was going to find Miss Mikami. Miss Mikami…? I thought of Ichihime's friends, she probably meant Chiori Mikami. Whatever, let me go to her place first. Chiori Mikami's home It was a rare case that Chiori Mikami didn't go to the Mahjong club today, so I met her at her house. Speaking of it, do all the rich people like to live in big houses? I look at the decorations in her living room. They all look like expensive antiques to me, so I pray hard that Ichihime didn't break anything again. [Chiori Mikami]Oh? Aren't you that perverted Jyanshi at Mahjong Soul Shrine? Are you here to pay off Ichihime's debt? [player]I knew it! What did Ichihime do again this time? [Chiori Mikami]Pff! I can't tell you the details, but I can let you pay for it. Aren't you thankful? [player]How am I supposed to pay for it when I don't even know what it's all about? [Chiori Mikami]Easy, just sign on this agreement. Chiori doesn't have much time to play with you today, so hurry up, you fool PLAYER! I took the agreement from Riu Kujou and started to read. "Ichihime hereby purchases a piece of confidential information from Chiori Mikami at a price of 999,999 coppers. The above-mentioned cost will be paid by PLAYER." [player]This number is just ridiculous. Did your keyboard get stuck or what? How could I possibly have so much money?! [Chiori Mikami]Of course, a person as lowly as you won't be able to afford it. Well, turn to page 2 then, Chiori's kind enough to give you an alternative. I looked again, and saw the second page of the agreement. "If poor Jyanshi PLAYER is unable to pay 999,999 coppers, he or she can choose to carry Chiori Mikami's handbag for a month as a form of payment." [Chiori Mikami]How's that? Aren't you excited about the alternative? Pff! I can see your inner perverted self already. How disgusting.