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I want to know more about Ciri.


[player]I've decided. I want to know more about Ciri. [Kutsuji]I'll tell you then since you've made up your mind. If what you and Soul want to know is why Ciri has been visiting Countless Springs frequently recently, it's because a syndicate that mainly resells rare wild animals appeared in One Han City recently. Kurone Toujou happened to save a red-crowned crane they were trafficking and handed it to Ciri. [Kutsuji]You people should know Ciri better than me. Probably due to her background as a well-known wildlife conservationist in One Han City, she has been investigating this incident and trying to rescue these animals recently. [Kutsuji]As for the issue of money... Haha, that's what the members of Soul are most concerned about. About how Ciri has the money to buy tickets to Countless Springs, the answer is Kurone Toujou gave her an entry pass for some reason, which means she can enter Countless Springs for free. [player]That's it? [Kutsuji]That's it. I didn't expect the answer Kutsuji gave me at all, but it also makes perfect sense when I think about it. The geisha parade has ended by the time I finish chatting with Kutsuji about this, so I said goodbye to him and went directly to Soul to tell Sara what has happened. [Sara]Oh, when I saw that you hadn't been coming to watch our performances, I guessed that you were taking independent action, but I didn't expect to be right. [player]Anyway, it's good that this incident has a happy ending. [player]So please forgive me for taking independent action. Please also hide this from Ryan, or else he'll be unhappy for a while. [Sara]You... You and Ciri are very similar to some extent. [player]Huh? [Sara]You both like to take on the burden of other people's affairs and do so much for others, yet you never ask others for anything in return. [player]I just want to do everything I can to help you guys because you're important friends to me. [Sara]Please promise me that you'll come to me for help if you ever encounter any problems in the future. I want you to be able to rely on me too. [Sara]Instead of doing everything on your own, I prefer it if you are more willing to trouble us. I believe the other members of Soul think the same way. [Sara]This is because we see you as a member of our family and a part of Soul. [player]Okay, I will. Thank you, Sara. I stay behind and have dinner with everyone in Soul that night. I can see that Sara is in a good mood tonight. She even takes her shoes off and starts dancing rhythmically next to the bonfire amidst everyone's cheering. [Ciri]PLAYER, thanks for everything this time. Ciri came over to me when I wasn't paying attention and thanked me softly. She tells me that Sara helped her explain everything to the other members of Soul, and everyone also apologized to her for how they had been acting recently. [Ciri]Actually, they didn't need to apologize to me because this incident isn't anyone's fault... The reason why I didn't tell them in the beginning is that I didn't want to be a burden to everyone because of something I wanted to do personally. I didn't expect to create such a big misunderstanding. [Ciri]I even caused you and Sara to worry about me. If you didn't help out this time, this matter might have escalated so much that I can't deal with it. No matter what, I have to thank you properly and express my gratitude. I take the drink she hands me and clink glasses with her. The drink seems to be a special drink that is cool and delicious with a herbal fragrance. I look up at the moon hanging in the sky and note that the moon is almost full. It won't be long until the Mid-Autumn Festival arrives again. It's so nice when everyone is together under the full moon.