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Persuade Hana Ninomiya to participate in the stage play again


[player]Ninomiya, you said you have a good memory. Since you've read it several times, I believe you know the lines by heart. This is a great advantage if you want to sign up for the part of the female lead. [Hana Ninomiya]...I've said this many times already. I'm not thinking of signing up. [player]Kana told me that you also took part in a stage play when you were in elementary school, and it was also "The House of Music." [Hana Ninomiya]Then you should understand why I don't want to sign up. You only need to experience some things once in your life. [player]I understand how you feel, but I've noticed that you've started to re-read the novel of "The House of Music" recently. If you really want to forget that unhappy experience, you should be trying to avoid everything related to it. [Hana Ninomiya]...I just suddenly felt like reading it. There's no other reason. Hana Ninomiya sounds a little impatient. She puts away her book and starts getting up to leave. [player]Wait! Ninomiya, do you still remember how we met? [Hana Ninomiya]...I remember. Why are you suddenly bringing it up? [player]You once complained that I kept pestering you after I lost to you once. Well... It's because I like you, Hana Ninomiya. [Hana Ninomiya]Um... [Hana Ninomiya]You... What are you trying to say?! [player]I remember that I was surprised by your tenacity the first time we played. Whenever I thought you would give up, you would discard tiles cleverly to turn the situation around. [player]After watching you play mahjong next to you for so long, I've learned that you are not only tenacious, but also able to react to the changing situation on the mahjong table calmly. I've never seen you regret your decisions or give up when you're at a disadvantage. [player]You're always able to grasp that little bit of hope and make yourself shine. You said I'm one of the only people who notice you, but I actually find it strange how someone as dazzling as you is always ignored by others. [Hana Ninomiya]S-Stop it... Don't you think what you're saying is very embarrassing?! [player]I'm just telling you what I really think. I really like you for how determined you are. That's why I'm worried that you'll have new regrets if you avoid signing up this time... I'm even worried that it'll affect the confidence you've built up at the mahjong table. [Hana Ninomiya]These two things are completely unrelated. [player]Ninomiya, I want to know why you are giving up this time. Is it because you think that you have a low chance of being selected, or are you unable to muster up the courage to sign up because you're worried that you'll get cold feet? Hana Ninomiya once wondered whether she had also voted for Kana Fujita like everyone else and that it was just her wishful thinking that she had raised her hand to sign up for the role of the female lead. [player]I didn't consider your feelings the other day. The things I said must have made you really unhappy. I'm sorry, Ninomiya. [player]But... I'm not going to take back what I said. It's not a bad idea to give up to avoid failure, but the Hana Ninomiya I know... won't do that! [player]Ninomiya, if you have even the slightest intention to participate in the stage play, I hope you can muster the courage to sign up. It's precisely because she has doubts about her past that I hope she can put it behind her for good. [Hana Ninomiya]... Of course, it's my wishful thinking that she will try hard to get the part. I can't deny that I'm selfishly hoping she is still the Hana Ninomiya I know so well. I hesitated before coming here today. What would I do if Hana Ninomiya becomes even more angry with me after listening to what I said? What if she ignores me forever? But I still decide to tell her what I really think. If I run away from my truest thoughts first, how can I expect her to be determined enough to face everything? [Hana Ninomiya]You... You really are very selfish. Do you know how much your words are weighing on me?! How can you not blush after saying all that?! [player]Sorry... I'm feeling a little embarrassed too now that I think about it... [Hana Ninomiya]Geez... It's really frustrating! I finally managed to stop thinking about signing up... but after hearing you say all that, it's impossible for me to just give up... [player]Eh? Ninomiya, y-you're willing to sign up? [Hana Ninomiya]Isn't that what you want? [player]Of course it is! [Hana Ninomiya]Fine... I'll try one more time. After all, someone likes... someone has expectations for me, so I'll be too spineless if I don't do anything about it! Her lenses become brighter. A determined look without a trace of hesitation that I'm very familiar with appears on Hana Ninomiya's face. [Hana Ninomiya]Since I've decided to sign up, I'll need to read the original work again quickly to familiarize myself with the details! [player]I thought you said you didn't bring it... [Hana Ninomiya]...I suddenly don't feel like signing up. [player]I didn't say anything! Start preparing now! Read it a few more times... Several days later [Nana Shiraishi]Hi! Sorry for making you wait. [player]It's okay. I just arrived too. What's the result of the registration? [Nana Shiraishi]Here's my phone. Look at it yourself. It's the weekend, and I've asked Nana Shiraishi to come to a restaurant near Asaha High School so I can see the videos she took on the day of the class meeting. In the video, after hearing the class monitor ask: "Who wants to sign up to be the female lead?" Hana Ninomiya raises her hand decisively and stands up to speak. [Hana Ninomiya]I want to sign up to be the female lead because I love the original novel of "The House of Music". I've watched the adapted movie many times too, and I think the female lead Miriam is a very charming character... [Nana Shiraishi]You're such a worrywart. You're even making the effort to confirm whether Hana signed up. [player]That's not it. I believe that Ninomiya will definitely sign up for the part, and I just don't want to miss out on that moment. Not everything is perfect in real life. Hana Ninomiya failed to get the part of the female lead by a narrow margin, but... looking at the relieved smile on her face, I believe she has made peace with her past regrets. At least... she'll never doubt her own courage again. [player]Hmm? Sorry, I need to take a phone call. [Hana Ninomiya]It's almost time, and everyone else except Nana has arrived. Did you forget to tell her? [player]She's with me right now. I'll come over with her in a moment. [Hana Ninomiya]Okay, I'll go and get ready then. See you later. [Nana Shiraishi]Was that Hana? [player]Yeah. Do you have anything to do after this? I'll take you somewhere... I guide Nana Shiraishi to the courtyard of the gardening club, where several people we know are already sitting and waiting. [Nana Shiraishi]Oh? You're all here. Ransei [Ransei]Master, why did you ask me to come here? [Kana Fujita]PLAYER, you said something fun will happen. You can tell us now, right? Other than Ransei and Kana Fujita, Eliisa, Kirara Fujimoto, and several others are here too. One thing they all have in common is that they are lucky enough to be fellow problem children on Ren's list. [player]I think everyone is here. Ahem! I've invited all of you here today to watch a stage play performance! Kirara Fujimoto [Kirara Fujimoto]A stage play? PLAYER, will you be performing? It's going to be interesting! Eliisa [Eliisa]I only see Mr. Wolf here. Ah! Liisa Liisa understands, you're performing a stand-up comedy! [player]A stand-up comedy and a stage play are two entirely different things... Of course I won't be the only one on the stage. Let's welcome today's female lead - Hana Ninomiya - to the stage! [Nana Shiraishi]Eh? Don't tell me you two will be performing "The House of Music"! [player]Correct! Nana gets one point. [Kana Fujita]We're competing to answer first?! This is one of my strengths! I'm ready for the next question! [player]No, there aren't any more. This isn't a real variety show... [Nana Shiraishi]Have you done this for Hana? [player]Yeah, it took me a while to convince her. Although it's a shame that Hana Ninomiya didn't get the part, it doesn't mean she won't get the chance to perform. Since she has the courage to sign up, even if both the stage and audience are smaller, I hope that she will be able to perform one of her favorite stage plays. She is the female lead I want to see on the stage. [Ransei]Master, why hasn't Ninomiya-senpai come out yet? [player]This is strange... I've already asked her to come out... [Hana Ninomiya]...I-I'm right here. [player]Huh?! Ninomiya, when did you get here?! Was I too focused on chatting with the others? I didn't realize that Hana Ninomiya was behind me at all. Hana Ninomiya About just then... PLAYER, why don't we tell everyone it's just a joke and skip the performance... Th-This is strange. Why does it seem like Hana Ninomiya is becoming increasingly transparent? Could it be that she has become more transparent because of stage fright?! [Nana Shiraishi]...What are you just standing there for?! Don't you speak first in the opening scene? [player]Oh! You're right. I need to make the first move. At this point, I can't let Hana Ninomiya run away from this stage where she will shine! [player]Ahem... Sister Margaret has told me about the situation. Miss Miriam, you've come here to apply to be the governess here, right? [Hana Ninomiya]Y-Yes... [player]Let me show you around the manor. Remember, there are some rooms you must not enter... As I speak, I hold Hana Ninomiya's hand and walk around the courtyard like I'm showing her the rooms. [Nana Shiraishi]You can do it, Hana! Now's the time to show off your beautiful singing! [Kirara Fujimoto]Oh? There's even singing?! [Eliisa]Liisa Liisa is looking forward to it! Maybe the others can see that Hana Ninomiya has stage fright, so they all start cheering for her. With everyone's encouragement, Hana Ninomiya starts to act like herself again. [Hana Ninomiya]I'm confident. Let them test me! I'm confident that I'll be in control of the world because I'm confident in myself! [Hana Ninomiya]I'm confident in the sun. I'm confident in the rain... I believe spring will arrive as promised! Her joyful singing merges with the wind, which makes the potted plants sway, as if they are paying tribute to the owner who has been taking care of them. Just like how Hana Ninomiya wants to be a spark that lights up the world for the potted plants, I also hope to be a star that lights up her dreams...