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Yaku Overview

Displaying 1 - 19 of 19
Han Title Body
1 Han 門前清自摸和
Win a hand by Tsumo (drawing the winning tile) at Menzenchin (closed hand)
1 Han 立直
Win a hand after you declared Riichi; You may declare Riichi when you achieve Tenpai (ready hand) at Menzenchin (closed hand)
1 Han 槍槓
Call a Ron (declare winning) on another player's Kan (when you have a Tenpai for Thirteen Orphans,you can call on a closed kan)
1 Han 嶺上開花
Win a hand with the tile drawn from the Dead Wall after immediately calling a Kan
1 Han 海底摸月
Win a hand by Tsumo (drawing the winning tile) with the last tile drawn from the Wall
1 Han 河底撈魚
FWin a hand by calling Ron (declare winning) on the last discarded tile
1 Han 役牌:自風牌(トン・ナン・シャー・ペー)
Win a hand with a Triplet of Player Wind
1 Han 役牌:場風牌(トン・ナン・シャー・ペー)
Win a hand with a Triplet of Round Wind
1 Han 役牌:三元牌(ハク・ハツ・チュン)
Win a hand with a Triplet of Dragon Tile (White, Green or Red)
1 Han 断幺九
Win a hand without any Terminal Tiles (1-Man/9-Man, 1-Pin/9-Pin, 1-Sou/9-Sou, Wind Tiles, and Dragon Tiles)
1 Han 一盃口
Win a hand with two identical Sequences
1 Han 平和
Win a hand with four Sequences and one non-Yakuhai Pair, plus the potential winning tiles must be tiles from both side of a Sequence,
1 Han 一発
Win a hand within 1 turn after declaring Riichi, in addition, draws/discards must not be interrupted by tile calls during that turn
1 Han ドラ
The next tile immediately after the flipped Dora Indicator Tile
1 Han 赤ドラ
Red 5-Man, Red 5-Pin, Red 5-Sou
1 Han 抜きドラ
In 3-Player Mahjong, North Wind can be considered as a Dora after “Kita” is called (does not count as a Dora if North Wind remains in hand)
1 Han ローカル役:燕返し
Call a Ron on the first tile discarded by another player to declare Riichi
1 Han ローカル役:槓振り
Call a Ron on a tile discarded by another player who just called Kan
1 Han ローカル役:十二落抬
Win a hand by Tsumo or Ron with 4 open Chii, Pon, or Kan