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Persuade her to rest on your own behalf


[player] No, you need to take some medicine and then rest. Leave lunch to me. [Riu Kujou] No way, that would be too rude of me. [player] I'm your guest, but I'm also your friend. Isn't that more important? [player] I can't do something like make my friend run around busily for me when they are sick. [Riu Kujou] ... [-] Riu Kujou's face becomes redder. I walk up and place my hand against her forehead gently. [Riu Kujou] ! {var:Shake} [player] I knew it. You have a fever. [Riu Kujou] ...coughs... Aren't you worried about catching my cold if you get so close? [player] I'm already here. Do you think I'm going to worry about that? [player] Riu, you need to rest properly when you're sick. You can't overcome it by just enduring it. [player] You don't need to keep acting like you can do everything in front of me. At the very least, we're the only two people here, so you can relax a little. [Riu Kujou] Umm... okay then. [-] Riu Kujou finally agrees to listen to me and returns to her bedroom to rest after taking cold medicine. After that, I go to the kitchen to start cooking. In front of Riu Kujou's bedroom one hour later [-] The door of Riu Kujou's room is slightly open, so I can see her lying on the bed, seemingly asleep.