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"Squeak—" A plump hedgehog with a few red fruits on its back tried very hard to climb up the lower hem of Miki Nikaidou's dress. However, its short legs really didn't have enough strength to pull itself upward, so it was still at the original position after a few minutes, staring at its owner with round, innocent eyes.
Smiling, Miki Nikaidou took the hedgehog and put it up on her shoulder. "Agate, what did you do this time?"
The hedgehog, nicknamed Agate, fawningly arched its back full of fruits toward Miki, then struggled to turn around looking at her.
Miki Nikaidou realized what it was doing and put a fruit into her mouth. The sweet and sour taste made her feel a lot better.
Agate was nothing but an ordinary wild hedgehog. When it was still a hoglet, it was taken away from its mother by some naughty kids, then abandoned outside Tenhoukaku after they had enough fun of it.
Miki Nikaidou never saw herself as a kind person, but when Agate—which was still unable to open its eyes—helplessly held onto her fingers, she felt it would be nice to adopt this little creature. After all, it wouldn't harm anyone. Maybe except when it tried to climb into the arms of pretty girls.
A few years quickly passed. When having Agate around became a habit, the little hedgehog also became a necessary part of Miki Nikaidou's life.