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"You dishonest liar!"
"Yeah. My family heirloom has been passed down 18 generations. How can it be a fake?"
A huge crowd was making lots of noise in front of a jewelry shop. Two men in suits, who looked like father and son, caught the most attention as they argued fiercely with a smiling woman leaning on the front door. They were trying to prove the authenticity of a brilliant stone in their hands.
"Look at your gem. It's got a crooked tip, some dig marks, as well as some cloud-like haze inside it. Hehe, our shop will never take such a poorly crafted stone."
"B-but it has been passed down for hundreds of years in my family..."
"So what? If you're trying to say this is old, take it to an antique store, not a jewelry shop." The woman never looked at them again as she turned away and walked into the shop.
The crowd looked up to the shop's sign, then walked off without making any further drama. There might be many famous jewelry shops in One Han City, but all the locals knew the Tenhoukaku in the city west had the most variety of gems. The shop owner, Miki Nikaidou, was a smooth and shrewd beauty with renowned gem-identifying skills. She could tell the value of a gem quite accurately by simply looking at it.
As such, people often took their "family heirloom gems" to Miki Nikaidou, for she only charged a small fee but could potentially get them a highly recognized certification.
But given the nature of identification, not all of the visitors would get the answer they wanted. Miki Nikaidou never showed any mercy despite the claims of "heirloom", and consequently made a lot of enemies.
That didn't quite seem like the action of a jewelry merchant. But did it really matter?
"Gems are the most beautiful things in this world! As they age, they become shiny and resilient. No matter how much time has passed, or how tough the environment is, they will only become stronger and prettier. How can those ignorant and vulgar understand such beauty? Hehe!"