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[Osamu Saitou]I understand


[Osamu Saitou]I understand. You'll need to think about it carefully given your late grandfather's teachings, right? [Mai Aihara]I'm sorry, as far as I know, the Temple of Moons has never held an event like this. [Narration]Under the torii of the Temple of Moons, the evening sun casts shadows of myself, Osamu Saitou, and Mai Aihara. [Mai Aihara]Before he died, grandpa said that the Temple of Moons doesn't need any festivals now. I... don't want to go against the old man's wishes. [Narration]To promote the tourism industry of One Han City, Osamu has recently gotten in touch with all the major temples and shrines to organize a temple festival. Among them, the Temple of Moons is one of Osamu's main investment targets due to its long history, and he has put forward quite favorable conditions. [Narration]He heard that I have a good relationship with Mai, so he hopes that I can help him persuade Mai to agree to this cooperation, but Mai's concerns aren't what I imagined. [player]I didn't expect your grandfather to say something like that to you. [Mai Aihara]Yea... I'm sorry, Mr. Saitou, I... I'm not trying to make things difficult for you. [Osamu Saitou]It's okay. Each shrine has its own way of doing things, and you don't need to apologize for that. [Osamu Saitou]But this cooperation is beneficial to the operation of the Temple of Moons. It's beneficial for both sides, so I hope you'll consider it in more detail. [Osamu Saitou]But, I'm a little confused about what you just said, because the Temple of Moons held a festival 15 years ago. [Mai Aihara]Eh? [player]Eh? [Osamu Saitou]I was lucky enough to participate in that festival. Many of the residents around here should still remember the Kagura dance of the Aihara family. [Mai Aihara]The Kagura dance... I think... I have heard people praise it before. [Osamu Saitou]Anyways, please consider it carefully. If you're willing to take part, my company guarantees that this event will be good for the promotion of your shrine and its revenue. [Osamu Saitou]I'll be meeting Kana Fujita, one of the artists my company has signed, in an hour to discuss her appearance at the festival, so I'll be on my way. PLAYER, thank you for helping me make an appointment to meet Miss Aihara today. [player]Don't mention it. I only introduced you because Mai wanted to meet you. I'll show you out. [Narration]Mai and I walk to the side of the road and watch Osamu get in a car and leave. [Mai Aihara]I'm really sorry! I didn't say yes to this amazing opportunity you gave me. [player]It's okay. Both parties need to reach a consensus to do business together. It's your right to decide the shrine's affairs. [Mai Aihara]But... Actually, I'm not sure whether I should reject it or not. Grandpa's teachings are important, but this is a rare opportunity from a business perspective, right? [Mai Aihara]What do you think? Should I agree to hold a festival at the shrine? [Narration]Mai is torn by this difficult decision. She is a person who gets troubled easily, and she will continue to be troubled by the issue until she has an answer.