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Salted black tea


[player] Salted milk tea. I must try it since it's a new flavor that you've invented. [Riu Kujou] Okay. [Riu Kujou] Here you go. The salt gives the tea an unforgettable unique taste. [player] Thank you. [-] I take the cup and sip it eagerly. A strong salty taste instantly fills my mouth. [player] ...Ugh! This taste really is unforgettable... Why is it so salty? [Riu Kujou] ...Huh? Let me have a taste. [player] ...How are you able to keep a straight face? [Riu Kujou] I knew it. [player] ? [Riu Kujou] After adding salt the first time, I poured myself a cup to taste it and found it to be quite bland. Thinking I hadn't added enough, I decided to add more. [Riu Kujou] It looks like my mind is still wide awake even though I have a headache. I'm so glad there's just something wrong with my sense of taste. [player] ?? [player] Is it right to use "just" and "I'm so glad" in this situation? [Riu Kujou] I'm sorry, I'll make you a new pot of tea. [player] Wait up, that's not important. I think your cold is quite serious. Have you taken any medicine yet? [Riu Kujou] I don't need to take any since I just have some insignificant symptoms. I've got a lot of work to do today, and I think I'll get drowsy if I take cold medicine. [player] But Chiori said you need to rest properly. [Riu Kujou] I will rest. I was thinking of mopping all the floors in the house twice today. [player] What about now? [Riu Kujou] I'll only mop them once. [-] That's not called resting properly!!! [player] I don't think that's appropriate. [Riu Kujou] Hmm? What isn't appropriate? Are you telling me to do nothing at all? Are you questioning my ability? [player] Don't put words in my mouth. That's not what I mean. [Riu Kujou] Fine, just you wait and see. A minor cold like this won't affect me at all! [player] That's really not what I meant!!! [-] It's too late to explain now because Riu Kujou's fighting spirit has already been ignited. In the living room half an hour later [-] I watch silently as Riu Kujou mops the floor slowly and resist the urge to speak. [Riu Kujou] Phew... It feels like the house is particularly big today. [player] Maybe it's because you're more tired than usual. [Riu Kujou] ... [player] Umm, let me do it for you. [-] I take the mop from Riu Kujou. In the garden one hour later [Riu Kujou] This is strange. Why is this pot already wet? [player] Maybe it's because you've already watered the plants in this row already. [Riu Kujou] ?! [player] Don't go over there. I've already watered the row you forgot to water earlier. [-] Ding-dong! The person delivering the ingredients Riu Kujou ordered online glances at us strangely and leaves after wiping off some sweat. Riu Kujou and I are stunned as we look at the bags of ingredients of various sizes on the ground because there are enough ingredients to cook up a massive feast. [player] Although I'm glad you invited me to stay for lunch, don't you think there's too much food? [Riu Kujou] Ahem... I think I entered the wrong quantity when I was ordering... [-] Riu Kujou's face turns red. [player] Sigh, that's why I said you should rest properly. [Riu Kujou] That's not necessary. I'll be okay. [-] I step forward to stop Riu Kujou when I see her bite her lower lip and start to carry the ingredients to the kitchen. [player] Riu, I think you can't go on like this...