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...Riu is sick?


[player] ...Riu is sick? [Chiori Mikami] Yes, you heard right. Riu is sick. Hmph, I wouldn't be calling you right now if I didn't have to be at school today! [Chiori Mikami] Anyway, Riu needs your care right now. If you are willing to take care of her, come here immediately! It's extremely urgent! Around Chiori Mikami's House [-] While I was still sleeping early in the morning, I suddenly received an urgent call from Chiori Mikami to tell me that Riu Kujou is sick. Although I still haven't gotten my head around the situation, I voluntarily get up and leave my home when I think of Riu Kujou needing my help. [-] I wonder how she's doing right now... Riu Kujou has always been full of energy whether she is doing her beloved maid work or playing mahjong with her friends. She's especially energetic when she's with Chiori Mikami, and she's always the one who lights up the atmosphere... [???] You can do it! Don't be nervous! Miss Chiori, you'll definitely conquer the audience today like always!!! [-] ...Yes, that sounds like something she would say... Wait a minute, is that who I think it is? [Chiori Mikami] Don't shout so loudly at the front door. It's not a big deal. I'm just giving a speech as the student representative at the end-of-term ceremony. [Riu Kujou] Uh-huh. Miss Chiori is as amazing as ever. You're so calm and composed! [Chiori Mikami] You're exaggerating things! [-] When I walk up to the door of Chiori Mikami's house, I see Riu Kujou standing at the entrance, smiling as she talks to Chiori Mikami who is carrying a schoolbag on her back. Seeing the energetic look on her face, I can't say that what Chiori Mikami told me on the phone is completely inaccurate, but let's just say that Riu Kujou seems like a completely different person. It's also obvious that she was the one who shouted earlier. [Chiori Mikami] Oh? PLAYER, you're here already. You're quite efficient and on time today. [Riu Kujou] ... [player] Good morning, Riu and Chiori. [Chiori Mikami] I'm going to leave Riu in your care now. Riu, you need to rest properly today. [Riu Kujou] Yeah... [player] Sure, leave everything to me. [Riu Kujou] Do your best, Miss Chiori-- [-] As the car carrying Chiori Mikami gradually disappears from our sight, Riu Kujou lowers her hands that were waving around vigorously. [Riu Kujou] Sigh... [-] In an instant, she becomes visibly depressed like a deflated balloon. [player] (Stare--) [Riu Kujou] ! [-] When she suddenly notices me staring at her, Riu Kujou quickly hides her fatigue. [Riu Kujou] What are you looking at...? Forget it. I'm sorry that you came here for nothing. Now that Miss Chiori has gone to school, you can return home and go back to sleep. [player] No way. Chiori said you're sick and need somebody to take care of you. [Riu Kujou] Miss Chiori is just worrying too much. Do I look so sick that I need someone to take care of me...? Achoo! [Riu Kujou] ... [player] Thanks for that unconvincing explanation. So were you acting so energetically just now because you didn't want Chiori to worry about you? [Riu Kujou] ...What do you mean by acting? I just have a minor cold. It's not serious enough that I need someone to take care of me. [Riu Kujou] Hurry home. I'm completely fine. [-] Riu Kujou smiles brightly at me and speaks with a relaxed tone. [-] However, the sniffles she takes indicate that she is clearly feeling under the weather. [player] All right, but I'm already here, so why don't you invite me in to sit down for a while? I rushed here without even having breakfast. [-] Although she looks like she's doing OK now, Chiori Mikami isn't someone who would ask others for help easily. I should find a way to stay here so I can confirm whether she really is okay first. [Riu Kujou] ...Okay then. Since you're a guest, you're welcome to come in. [player] I'll be bothering you for a while then. Chiori Mikami's House [Riu Kujou] Here, have some snacks first while I make you some tea. [player] That's okay, you don't need to make me tea. [Riu Kujou] The more important the guest, the better they should be treated. That's how a maid should receive guests. [-] Soon after we start chatting, I can hear that her voice sounds a little nasal compared to her usual voice, but I can't tell if she has other symptoms yet. [-] Could Chiori Mikami really have overreacted because she is too worried? [Riu Kujou] Do you want to have traditional milk tea or the new salted black tea I've invented?